Hair: Short, with longer strands in the front, black with a dark blue tint to it.
Appearance: Pale complexion, small form, and usually wears dark blue capris, a purple shirt with net at the top and a big jacket that covers most her skin over it. The jacket has the Hyuuga clan's sign on the shoulder, and the cuffs of the sleeves, neck, and hood of the sweater have a fur-like outline. Her holster is worn on her right leg, for she is right-handed in using weapons.
Personality: Hinata is burdened with the fate of being Hyuuga's successor. Shy and inward in nature, she gets depressed easily. She blames herself for being weak and tries hard to change herself. Hinata idolizes Naruto, whom she believes to be strong and confident. She blushes regularly, [aka, alot.] and taps her two index fingers together when she is nervous. She isn't the type of person who likes fighting and is better at being a medical ninja than at combat.
History: <Will finish this later>
< Combat Info >
Class: Genin
Village: Hidden Leaf Village
Main Fighting Type: Taijutsu (Gental Fist)
Main weapon(s): Basic Ninja Kit
Strengths: Hinata's strengths lie mainly in her ability of healing. She is quite skilled at making medical ointments to help heal wounds.
Techniques: <I'll get to this later>
Advanced Bloodline: Hyuuga Clan
Advance Bloodline Techniques: <I'll get to this later>
(remove the +15 once they have been added to your base, note that the first point does count towards your total. I.E. my Intel is at 10, I get 150 points to chakra.)
HP: 85 (+15 for the point in Endurance) Chakra:85 (+15 for the point in Intelligence)
Village: Konohagakure no Sato Yes, this is also correct, though could you please put Hidden Leaf Village instead?
Main Fighting Type: 'Gental fist', using her blood train to see the tenketsu points in a person's body, and blocking them by sending chakra through her hands and feet, when she goes to attack them. Good, good, I can accept this.
Main weapon(s): None usually, the Hyuuga fight with hand-to-hand combat most times. Just put Basic Ninja Kit, it would contain the essentials such at kunai, shuriken, etc.
Strengths: Chakra control and herbs, making ointment, ect. This is where it gets off-hand. You need to put this into paragraph form. Also, list her emotional strengths, physical strengths, what she doesn't fear, etc.
Weaknesses: Hand-To-hand combat, even though the Hyuuga are well known to be great at combat. Same as the Strengths, put it into paragraph form, list her emotional weaknesses, physical weaknesses, fears, etc.
Techniques: No jutsus that I know of as of now, but i'm working on it. You can leave the techniques section empty until I get that part edited.
Advanced Bloodline: Byakugan All you have to put here is 'Hyuuga Clan' stating that she is a Hyuuga.
HP: 85 There should be 45 extra points to chakra added (85 + 45) because of the 4 points in Endurance. Chakra: 85 Same here, except there should be 60 points added (85 + 60) for the 4 points in Intelligence.
Stats are good, you've got the right idea. Please use the Character Template above, putting the personality, Appearance, History, Strengths, and Weaknesses into paragraphs. Do that and PLEASE reply once you edit, that way I know you edited your application.
Here's the character that you may use as a guide:
Name: Yakuza Saskana Age: 13 Gender: Female Height: 5'1 Weight: 95lbs Eyes: Dark brown, almost black Hair: Black
Appearance: She wears black kapris which cut off just below the knee and a black, sleeveless shirt as well as a gold chain with a crystal-like heart-shaped pendant hanging from it. She has shoulder length hair, which she pulls up into a ponytail, but she leaves one strand on each side of her face, which highlights her face. She has muscular thighs, but her lower legs and arms aren't as strong as her thighs are. She has slender hips, a slender face, and a slender torso. She attaches her holster to her left leg. Her skin is slightly tanned also. The colour of her eyes is such a dark brown that it almost seems black, which gives it a look that it almost totally hides her pupil. She seems much shorter when being compared to other people her age, but she doesn't care whether she is the same height or not. She isn't very heavy because she has such a small amount of muscle on her body. She is so slender that she almost seems as if she's skin and bone.
Personality: She can be quite bossy and sassy at times, but when she's in a good mood, one is always smiling around her. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, and she never gives up. She's usually happy, but when she's in a fight, she doesn't show emotion. Somehow, it helps her concentrate on the fight and do her best. If she dislikes someone, she isn't rude to them or a jerk to them, but she tries to be the most pleasant and politest she can to them without making it seem like she dislikes them. She also respects her elders and her teachers and holds them up to high ranks.
She can sometimes get a bit hot-headed and make rash decisions which get her in trouble, but she somehow always gets herself out of trouble. She sometimes has trouble controlling her anger, but she tries her best not to get angry. She always tries to hide the fact that she misses her family a lot, and doesn't like to talk about how she lost them.
She doesn't fear most things, but her biggest fear is that she will end up like her parents and her brother did. She fears that her brother's so-called friend--the one who murdered her brother and parents-- will come searching for her and murder her. She became a ninja so that she could have some hope that if her greatest fear was to come true--or part of it at least-- she may be able to defend herself against her brother's friend and finally get revenge for her family.
History: She originally was from the Hidden Mist Village, but when her older brother was going to graduate and he found out what he would have to do, he told Saskana to run away so she didn't have to witness what he would have to do or even have to carry the same burden later on. Saskana was only 8 years old at the time, and doesn't remember it very well.
The night when Saskana was about to run away, a strange man walked into her home. He was from the Hidden Mist Village, and he wore a mask. The strange man, who looked about the same age as her brother, creates strange needles that looked as if they were made of ice. Saskana fearfully ran behind a cabinet as the strange man began to slaughter her family for no reason. Her mother and father were dead, but her brother was still easily standing. He punched the stranger in the face, and the mask on the stranger’s face broke off. Her brother said,
“I knew it was you under that mask." The stranger had turned out to be one of his friends from childhood whom he had guessed would betray him someday because of a fight they had gotten into.
He then yelled for Saskana to run away. She ran out of the door, and when she walked out, she heard a splat of a liquid and her brother screamed, as if he had just been slaughtered. Hearing that, Saskana bolted out of the village, never to return again.
Saskana waited outside of the village for many hours, then later ran back and grabbed anything she could that would be useful to her later on, including her brother's leftover weapons, her mother's crystal heart (the crystal-like heart-shaped pendant necklace) and the rest of the money which was left. She then left as quickly as possible so as to not attract attention. She paid for a long boat trip around the Hidden Cloud, sleeping most of the way. The man who gave her the boat ride was very wary of her because she was so young and going on such a long journey. She walked quite a long way after reaching land, and decided to depart to the Hidden Rain Village. She used more of the money to buy herself a small home for one person near the outskirts of the village.
She spoke to the Kage of the village, explaining what happened in the Mist village. She explained everything she knew already, and was granted permission into the Academy.Saskana finished the academy in the Hidden Rain, finally finishing the first step of her dream: to become a ninja and avenge her slaughtered family. Saskana was able to fend for herself easily, occasionally going hunting outside of the village, though not very often.
Class: Genin Village: Hidden Rock Village Main Fighting Style: Taijutsu Main Weapon(s): Basic Ninja Kit
Strengths: Saskana is very talented in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and has a very good aim. Her family uses a lethal martial art called Kyoukushinkai Karate in combat. She can concentrate easily, and wouldn't ever beg for her life.
Weaknesses: She has a bit of trouble with her Genjutsu, and is a bit slow in agility. She has one emotional weakness that can be exposed in battle, which is the fact that her parents are dead, and the memory haunts her, and if somebody mentions them in a bad way, or says something hurtful about her losing them, she can get angry and overexert herself, which could hurt her in the end. When fighting, she tries as hard as she can to last as long as possible, but can sometimes go too far, which could someday kill her.
Techniques: - Artificial Rain Skill [Jinkouu no Jutsu] By focusing chakra on a source of water to evaporate it and raise it up in the air, the user may create a cloud far above the battlefield. Because heat is not used to accomplish this, the cloud quickly recondenses and begins falling as rain. The area covered by the rain is the same (15 meters) but the time the rain lasts is dependent on how much chakra and water is used. | Chakra- 6 (Per Post) | Academy Ninjutsu | The Rain starts the post after this jutsu is used. Please be realistic with the source of water you use.
- Body Switch Skill [Kawarimi no Jutsu] A basic skill involving quickly switching the body with another plant, animal or inanimate object that has been previously prepaired. This is used to confuse the opponent momentarily and create an opportunity to attack or possibly escape. | Chakra- 15 | The user's agility is increased by 4 when switching locations with a specially prepaired object that is within 1' for every 2 intelligence the user has. | Academy Genjutsu
- Clone Skill [Bunshin no Jutsu] A basic technique which creates false clones of the user. The clones are used as a diversion while the user attacks. The clones are incapable of attacking and disappear if directly hit. | Chakra- 5 (per clone) | The bunshin has as much agility as the creator | Academy Genjutsu| Effect lasts 5 Posts
-Natural Law; Unarmed Combat Lv.1 [Tensoku; Sude Sentou Lv.1] The beginning and probably most important of the stages. All of the philosophies of the style are taught and learned at this stage. Unlike in other styles where a teacher teaches a student a form or main stance the student must take his own. Everything must feel natural to them and thus the senseis actually play a very small role in the teaching process. The practitioners are taught a few things like loosing no momentum in blocking and instead of just blocking they actually try to block and strike in one fluid movement. The practitioner will train with weights on their limbs to work their strength and agility though stressing mainly on agility | Genin Taijutsu | +2 agility and +1 strength
-Lesser Soldier Pill Utilization [Kasuka Keisotsu Piru no Hakki] Soldier pills are commonly issued to ninja as a food substitute since they are high on nutrients. However, talented ninja are capable of utilizing those nutrients to gain chakra or remove fatigue. | Chakra or Hp Cost- 4(Inc) | HP or Chakra Gain- 1(Inc) | Genin Ninjutsu
- Rain Spike Using the rain and the water on the ground as a medium the user can make the water become sharp spikes. The user creates the nescesary handseals and puts both hands on the ground and the rain becomes spikes on the ground as they hit the water on the ground. There must be water on the ground where the user puts down the hands | Chakra - 5 per spike (inc5) | Damage - 10 per spike (inc5) | Genin Ninjutsu| Must be raining