Note: This clan is an Advanced clan, please apply for a character in the Special Permissions forum unless granted permission by an Admin.
Clan Name: Hyuuga
Village: Hidden Leaf Village
Physical Traits:
The Hyuuga are normally slender but slightly muscled people. They usually have black, straight hair. It is common for them to keep it long though it’s not necessary.
The most striking feature of the Hyuuga though are their pale eyes. They usually have light gray eyes or very pale lavender eyes that are almost white. Unlike in others though, in a Hyuuga it is almost impossible to discern the iris of the eye from the pupil as they are both relatively the same color, with the pupil being a few shades darker.
There is a special seal called the Branch House Curse Seal that is placed on the Branch House members of the Hyuuga family, will be explained, that is placed on their foreheads when the heir of the clan reaches the age of 4. If a branch member is born after that time they are given the seal as soon as their bodies are fully developed enough to accept it without any major health ramifications.
The seal looks like a Swastika, not the Nazi one, with hooked ends and two lines on either side that are hooked as well. This symbol represents the Bird in the Cage. This is to remind the Branch Members that while they enjoy the freedoms that the Hokage provides them they are imprisoned in the Main House’s rules. This reminder also helps to keep them from starting a coup as the Branch House Members make up about 70% of the clan.
Besides showing the difference between the different houses this seal provides a doorway to the Branch House members mind. By performing a simple handseal and pumping chackra into it a Main House member can punish the Branch House member for any reason. This is used very rarely though because placing too much chackra into the handseal can cause a Branch House member to have somewhat of a generic lobotomy stripping away most of their motor skills or simply killing them. Because of abuse in the past though only the Hyuuga elders know this handseal.
The final use for the seal is actually the most important of them all. Once a branch member dies the seal’s true power is activated and it completely seals the body up making it impossible for anyone to read the dead body of a Hyuuga. This is also the reason for the seal being on the forehead; to keep it close to the thing it needs to seal, the eyes.
A Hyuuga’s eyes are special in themselves and are the secret power of the clan’s power; they are called the Byakugan, or White Eyes. When activated the Hyuuga’s eyes become completely white including iris and pupil. During this state, because lack of color which weakens the eye’s ability to gather light, the pupil gets only slightly larger, as if in a dark room, and the iris almost completely disappears. Also because of the chackra going to the eye it causes all of the veins near their eyes, from the temples to the sides of their respective eyes, to bulge and pulse with the heartbeat.
Clan History:
Because of the many centuries that the Hyuuga have been around it is impossible to know exactly how the clan started but most speculate it was started with a blind man who found a way around his unseeing eyes.
Nothing very important happened until around 500 years before Leaf was started. At that time the royal family of the Hyuuga had twin daughters. The family was of course happy with his two daughters and really never worried about the future, the leader figured he would have a son later on to become heir. His daughters grew but the disaster came when they turned 25.
Around that time their father died and left control of the clan to them because he and his wife failed to produce a male heir. The two girls, Hasaki and Hinari, spent 3 years arguing over whom was going to control the clan until finally they couldn’t take it anymore and a civil war erupted between the two.
Most of the rich and noble of the family joined Hasaki’s side; she was the more diplomatic one. Though Hinari had numbers one her side with her ideas of Hyuuga purity and aggressive war policies on the other smaller clans.
For 20 years the war lasted with no real winner until Hasaki won the upper hand by reveling her sister’s affair with a younger fan boy, around 24, that was an Aora, a small nothing clan they had conquered and forced into slavery. When the affair was revealed all of Hinari’s forces turned on her accusing her of messing with the royal bloodline. After that no one is sure what happened to Hinari and her Aora lover but it is widely believed that they went away and started the Uchiha clan giving birth to the Sharingan. Though this seems unlikely, this is the only recorded time that a Hyuuga ever had a lover outside of the clan. This of course is nothing but mere heresy and like the birth of the Byakugan no details are known.
After Hinari’s forces surrendered they were branded and placed in another house for a punishment replacing the Aora as the Main Houses slaves. Over the years the seal was remade several times to perform the functions it now does.
For the next three centuries though a new and powerful enemy was growing, the Uchiha. Unlike the other clans that stood no chance against the Hyuuga the Uchiha were starting to pop up as a serious threat and inevitably a war broke out between the two clans.
The war had no victor in the end was actually ended by a single being. The Shodai Hokage. He went to the Fire Country Daimyo and asked permission to build the Hidden Leaf village and was granted under the condition he stopped the war between the Uchiha and the Hyuuga.
After words there was always an unsteady truce between the two clans and Uchiha Itachi dispatched of his entire family it was believed that the Hyuuga elders had a hand in it but around that time they were dealing with their own problems.
A prominent ninja from Cloud came down to sign a peace treaty between the two countries but that night he slipped into the Hyuuga family compound and tried to kidnap Hyuuga Hinata, the current heir, to get the Hyuuga bloodline but Hinata’s father, Hiashi, quickly killed him but because of it Cloud demanded Hiashi’s life. His twin brother, who had been placed into the Branch family at birth to prevent another twin war, took his place.
As of now the Hyuuga are considered the strongest and most prominent clan within Leaf village.
All Hyuuga are born with the Byakugan and over time learn to expand their use of it and their skill with it slowly making the radius in which they see larger and larger. There is a common weakness among the family though. It is not a weakness that cannot fixed but doing so takes more skill than many have. The weakness is a small part of their dome of vision that is not complete, only about 45 degrees in diameter, extending from the middle of their neck out to their dome of sight.
The Byakugan also gives the user telescopic vision and the ability to view the chackra circulatory system within people. Like the field of vision the ability to see the chackra circulatory system grows with the user.
There are weaknesses to the Byakugan as well. Even though they have a great range of sight and can see pretty much around anything they cannot see 'through' anything. Also when the Byakugan is activated the Hyuuga sees everything in a dark monochromatic gray save for any chackra which pops up as blue. This means they may not notice things that don't need chackra to move, such as traps. The Hyuuga also cannot see through any chackra. Like if a chackra infused fireball is heading his way a Hyuuga will not be able to see any hidden kunai behind it.|
Clan Techniques:
NOTE: Even though the Byakugan comes in stages the stages are not counted as two jutsu, only one. The Jyuuken is still counted as two.
- White Eyes; Stage 1 [Byakugan; Daiichi Dankai] The main weapon of the Hyuuga used in conjunction with the Jyuuken fighting style. The Byakugan allows the user to see in all directions. At this stage, activating the Byakugan is more a hinderence then an asset as the user can only see very vague and blurred shapes and shadows. Using it as a reliable source of information is impossible. | Chakra- 5 (Every Post) | Academy Bloodline
- White Eyes; Stage 2 [Byakugan; Daini Dankai] The main weapon of the Hyuuga used in conjunction with the Jyuuken fighting style. The Byakugan allows the user to see in all directions at a range of up to 50 meters. At this stage the Byakugan is usable in battle, the detail given by the eyes are detailed enough that they can make out some smaller objects. They can even notice the gross movements of a human. Most importantly, the Byakugan gives enough detail at this stage that the chakra circulatory system can be seen. | Chakra – 5 (Every Post) | Genin Bloodline| Requires White Eyes; Stage 1
- Chackra Needle [Harichackra] This Ninjutsu technique requires a ninja to be able to use the Byakugan. The ninja focuses chakra small needles from the tenketsu upon their fingers that are able to slice through things made of chackra, which normally could not be broken. | Chakra – 5 (Per Hand, Every Post) | Damage- 4 | Genin Ninjutsu| The Byakugan must be active, the needles striking the target do not trigger the Jyuuken.
- White Eyes; Stage 3 [Byakugan; Sanban Dankai] The main weapon of the Hyuuga used in conjunction with the Jyuuken fighting style. The Byakugan allows the user to see in all directions at a range of up to 50 meters. At this stage the Byakugan can see things in enough detail to discern facial expressions. In battle, the detail is enough to notice needles and other small projectiles, if just barely. Most importantly, the Byakugan is capable of seeing the larger tenketsu on a person. | Chakra- 5 (Every Post) | Chuunin Bloodline| Requires White Eyes; Stage 2
- Eight Divination Signs; Sixty-Four Points of Divinity [Hakke; Rokujuuyonshou] This is an advanced combination of taijutsu and ninjutsu that uses the Hyuuga’s Byakugan to strike at an opponent’s tenketsu. The user is capable of performing many strikes aimed for the tenketsu in rapid succession. The chakra is focused on their finguretips and forced into the tenketsu, causing them to shut down. The strikes start of (relatively) slow but pick up speed, in effect the user performs the strikes in an increasing pattern of two strikes, then four strikes, then eight strikes, then sixteen strikes and finally thirty two strikes. Attacking in such a rapid succession puts a large amount of strain on the muscles. | Chakra – 1 (Per Strike) | HP Cost- 1 (Per Strike) | Damage – 1 (Per Strike) | The victim is unable to activate jutsu for one post for every 32 Tenketsu hit. | Chuunin Taijutsu| Requires Gentle Fist; Stage 2. The Byakugan must be activated. Only 64 strikes may made per post, and they must be made in the pattern described above.
- Eight Divination Signs Air Palm [Hakke Kuushou] By expelling chakra from the tenketsu located on the hand and fingures, the Hyuuga sends out an invisible wave of air. | Chackra - 30 | Damage - 30 | Chuunin Ninjutsu| Requires Gentle Fist; Stage 2
- Eight Divination Points of Divinity; Heavenly Spin [Hakkeshou Kaiten] An advanced ninjutsu technique unique to the Hyuuga because of the great understand of chakra that the Byakugan grants. The user pushes chackra out of most of their tenketsu. The chakra propels the Hyuuga and causes him to spin like a top. This move is both defensive and offensive. While the chakra and movements of the Hyuuga work like a shield, deflecting most attacks aimed at the user, the chakra also slams into anything that gets near. Because of the great chakra cost of this technique, it is most often used to deflect a large number of attacks from all directions and/or in emergency situations.| Chackra - 75 | Damage- 50 | Any attacks that deal below 100 damage is deflected. | Chuunin Ninjutsu| Requires Gentle Fist; Stage 2. The Byakugan must be activated.
- White Eyes; Stage 4 [Byakugan; Yon Dankai] The main weapon of the Hyuuga used in conjunction with the Jyuuken fighting style. The Byakugan allows the user to see in all directions at a range of up to 50 meters. This stage the Byakugan can easily see and keep track of many small things, even needles or insects. The Hyuuga is also capable of seeing all of an opponent’s tenketsu in detail. Finnally, the user is capable of seeing through solid objects, although things on the other side of objects becomes increasingly distorted. | Chackra – 5 (Every Post) | Jounin Bloodline| Requires White Eyes; Stage 3
- Eight Divination Signs; One-Hundred and Twenty-Eight Points of Divinity [Hakke; Hyakunijuuhachishou] This is an advanced combination taijutsu and ninjutsu technique that uses the Hyuuga’s Byakugan to strike at an opponent’s tenketsu. The user is capable of performing many strikes aimed for the tenketsu in rapid succession. The chakra is focused on their finguretips and forced into the tenketsu, causing them to shut down. The strikes start of (relatively) slow but pick up speed, in effect the user performs the strikes in an increasing pattern of two strikes, then four strikes, then eight strikes, then sixteen strikes, then thirty two strikes and finally sixty four strikes. Attacking in such a rapid succession puts a large amount of strain on the muscles. | Chakra – 2 (Per Strike) | HP Cost- 1 (Per Strike) | Damage – 2 (Per Strike) | The victim is unable to activate jutsu for one post for every 32 Tenketsu hit. | Jounin Taijutsu| Requires Gentle Fist; Stage 3. The Byakugan must be activated. Only 128 strikes may made per post, and they must be made in the pattern described above.
<Special Jounin>
- White Eyes; Stage 5 [Byakugan; Go Dankai] The main weapon of the Hyuuga used in conjunction with the Jyuuken fighting style. The Byakugan allows the user to see in all directions at a range of up to 50 meters. This is the final stage most Hyuuga reach. At this point they see everything to the smallest detail, their eyesight with the Byakugan can finally see in more detail then the normal human eye, in addition to its special abilities. The user is capable of seeing through solid objects also improves greatly, although things still become increasingly distorted after looking through a few feet of solid matter. | Chackra – 5 (Every Post) | Special Jounin Bloodline | Requires White Eyes; Stage 4
- White Eyes; Stage 6 [Byakugan; Roku Dankai] Considered the epitome of the byakugan, at this stage the Byakugan can perfectly see through objects, everything within 50 meters of the user is known. The byakugan can even see far beyond those 50 meters, but anything beyond that distance is heavily distorted. As for the detail, that has improved to the point where a member of the Hyuuga could actually count the legs on a fly… which would be amazing if a ninja ever found himself in a situation where he needed to count the legs on a fly and didn’t have enough of an education to know all insects have six legs. | Chakra- 5 (Every Post) | S-Rank Bloodline | Requires White Eyes; Stage 5
- Divine Angel [Tenrai Enzeru] This is an advanced taijutsu technique in which the Hyuuga clan member will jump into the air from a high place, and release a large amount of chackra from the tenketsu in the palms of their hands as they fall towards their opponent. The chakra causes the Hyuuga to rapidly spin in mid air. As they fall more and more tenketsu begin expelling chakra which is quickly focused into strands that surround the user like a drill. This technique not only acts as a defensive shield, but it also acts as a powerful offensive technique since the Hyuuga can literally drill through stone using this technique. | Chackra - 150 | Damage – 250 | Any attack dealing less then 300 damage is negated | S-rank Taijutsu | Requires Gentle Fist; Stage 5. The Byakugan must be active.
- Gentle Fist [Jyuuken] The Jyuuken is the fighting style utilized by the Hyuuga along with their Byakugan. This is considered by most to be the strongest fighting style in all of Konoha because of its ability to destroy an opponent from the inside instead of merely breaking bones. The style uses swift and fluid motions to deliver open palm attacks and finger strikes to transmit power chakra waves to cause damage to the muscles and organs. Using the Byakugan the user can see the opponents Chakra Circulatory System so that the Hyuuga can send the chakra through that system in order to make their strikes more powerful.
- Gentle Fist; First Stage [Jyuuken; Daiichi Dankai] The practitioner is just starting to train his body to use the fluid motions of this style. The most important thing the practitioner learns, even from the start, is that the gentle touch is all that’s needed to damage an opponent, and as such they give up hitting an enemy in the traditional sense. The practitioner starts learning the idea that speed is everything and dodging and thinking on their feet could mean the difference between life and death. | +1 agility. While the Byakugan is activated, the user may deal his intelligence in damage for normal melee blows instead of his strength. | Genin Taijutsu| Requires White Eyes; Stage 2
- Gentle Fist; Second Stage [Jyuuken; Daini Dankai] The practitioner has become accustomed to the odd way of fighting using the Jyuuken and movement comes easier and more fluid like than before. Chackra control becomes the biggest lesson of this stage. With the Byakugan becoming stronger as the practitioner grows sight becomes better and the obvious usefulness of being fast and graceful comes to bear. The Hyuuga also learns to force more chakra out of their tenketsu in order to hinder an opponent. | +1 agility and +1 intelligence. While the Byakugan is active, the user can choose expends an amount of chakra, up to his intelligence score, to deal half that amount as damage. | Chuunin Taijutsu | Requires White Eyes; Stage 3
- Gentle Fist; Third Stage [Jyuuken; Sanban Dankai] In this stage the practitioner finds usefulness in the idea that the fight must end quickly. They are taught to find the weak points of their opponents and exploit them as soon as possible. This is a crucial lesson because of the Jyuuken practitioners’ low amount of endurance. Once again speed and chackra control become prevalent more so than last time. And because of the users’ now heighten chackra control attacking the opponents’ tenketsu become easier. | +2 agility. While the Byakugan is active, the user can choose expends an amount of chakra, up to his intelligence score, to deal that amount as damage. | Jounin Taijutsu | Requires Byakugan Stage 4
- Gentle Fist; Fourth Stage [Jyuuken; Yon Dankai] Thanks to the prior stages stressing speed and chackra control the user is now not only fast but precise. The practitioner is perfecting his ability to deal damage to the opponent using chakra, and is now capable of targeting tenketsu and having the chakra seek out the opponent’s organs, muscles, and bones. | +1 agility and +1 intelligence. While the Byakugan is active, the practitioner can expend any amount of chakra, up to his intelligence score, and deal 1½ that amount in damage to the opponent. | Special Jounin Taijutsu| Must have Byakugan Stage 5
- Gentle Fist; Fifth Stage [Jyuuken; Go Dankai] The practitioner is now faster than what even an experienced can catch and their chackra control is more precise in each attack than a surgeon. Reaching this stage is rare and considered an honor. The user now merely focuses on his strengths; speed and chackra control, and becomes better than ever before. The users’ chackra control has increased to the point where they can deal a tremendous amount of damage by forcing large amounts of chakra into the opponent. | +2 agility. While the Byakugan is activated the practitioner can expend any amount of chakra, up to his intelligence, to deal twice that amount as damage to the opponent. | S-Rank Taijutsu| Requires White Eyes; Stage 6