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Hidden Leaf Jutsu: Fire Jutsu


- Fire Element Resistance Training [Katon Tegotate Keiko]
Through this method of training the user can develop ways to resistist full damage done by the element of fire. Through training the user will burn themselves many times, as an effect of that they build a thick calluses, they also burn small things or perform experiments to figure out just exactly flames will burn in various situations. This training does take some time to understand, but this is just a basic form of training. This is something that is only use by people that want to go through the fire element branch of the Hidden Leaf. | Passive | Academy Ninjutsu

- Raise Temperature Skill [Netsu Botsu no Jutsu]
A basic skill involving the mixture of chakra, exterior fire and body heat. The user can focus chakra out of the chakra pours to fuel this passive tech. Soon a fire catches onto this chakra being poured out and raises the temperature of the near by area dramatically by dispersing the fire into smaller fire particles. If used long enough, the user starts to self inflict damage. It becomes just as arid as desert. | Chakra- 5 every post | HP Cost- 5 every post| Damage- 5 every post | Passive | Intial Range- 2 feet | Damage- 5 (Every post the Damages ranges grows two feet)| Academy Ninjutsu


- Fire Element; Clone Skill [Katon; Bunshin no Juts]
Although this is a low ranking jutsu, it's a tricky skill to master. The user must be able to control both the fire they're creating and the chakra they're using to mold the fire. After exhaling fire, they must use their chakra to mold the fire into a human-like form. Once the user has successfully created their fire clone, the clone acts and operates like any other bushin skill. It can move around and is fueled by the moving oxygen around itself so the user never has to supply any more fire or chakra to the clone to keep it activated. Being that the clone is fire, it can cause burn damage and can only be put out with water. | Chakra- 15 | Clone has same stats; but only 10 HP | Destroying clone causes 5 damage to opponent. | Genin Ninjutsu|

- Fire Element; Mythical Phoenix [Katon; Housenka no Jutsu]
One of the more powerful of the basic fire element techniques, the Mythical Poenix requires the ninja to first gathers chakra into his mouth while performing many swift and diverse hand seals. Once all the needed chakra is gathered, the shinobi places two fingers in an elliptical position in front of his mouth, and starts shooting out the fireballs. These projectiles can be either shot fast at the same direction, slowly in a rotating formation; basically, the ninja controls everything, from the strength of the fireballs to how fast he or she shoots them. | Chakra- 10 (inc5) | Damage- 10 (Inc5) | Can Be Used In Conbination With Weapons | Advanced Genin Ninjutsu

- Fire Release: Firefly Technique [Katon; Hotaru no Jutso]
The user first mimics the movements of Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu, but instead of creating a massive flamethrower, the user creates many small licks of flame that slightly resemble fireflies. Of course, they are useful for lighting things on fire, burning things, and, with enough chakra loaded into them, explode! Also, the user can use their chakra to link the fire flies together and create a chain explosion. | Chakra- 5 per firefly; 10 for chain explosion | Damage- 10 explosion; 20 for chain explosion. | Genin Ninjutsu

- Fire Element; Whip Skill [Katon; Hoippu no Jutsu]
This is a very powerful Katon Jutsu that can be used in combination with a whip, after performing the needed hand seals the user puts one finger out in the open, or holds out his whip. Once all the needed chakra is gathered, the finger or whip begans to release steam, and then fire surrounds the finger or whip. Now that the fire whip is out, it can be used to inflict damage to the opponent. The length of the weapon is determined by how much chakra is put into the technique. This technique however only lasts for a short time (Five Posts). | Chakra: 10 (Inc4) | Damage: 20 | Length(Feet): 4(Inc4) | Genin  Ninjutsu


- Fire Element; Medium Juggling Ball Skill [Katon; Miko Jiten Tama no Jutsu]
This is a very powerful Katon Jutsu, after performing the needed hand seals the user puts an open hand infront of himself. Once all the needed chakra is gathered, the hand will start to release steam or flicker some flames, and then a ball of fire will appear in the hand. Now the ball of fire can be used to inflict damage to the opponent. The size of each ball, is now about the same size as a soft ball. Because they are now better at controling the chakra they form above their palms, they can create fire that lasts longer, increasing the range of the ball itself to about thirty feet. This technique can be used for a melee attack, or a distance attack. | Chakra: 15 (Per Ball) | Damage: 20 (Per Ball) | Chuunin Ninjutsu

- Fire Element; Double Whip Skill [Katon; Nijuu Hoippu no Jutsu]
This is a very powerful Katon Jutsu that can be used in combination with a whip, after peroforming the needed hand seals the user puts one finger out in the open, or holds out his whip. Once all the needed chakra is gathered, the finger or whip begans to release steam, and then fire surrounds the finger or whip. Now that the fire whip is out, it can be used to inflict damage to the opponent. The length of the weapon is determined by how much chakra is put into the technique. This technique however only lasts for a short time (Five Posts). Because the user is more advanced he can now use this technique to create more then one whip. | Chakra- 20 (Inc4) | Damage- 30 per whip | Length(Feet): 5(Inc4) | Genin Ninjutsu

- Fire Element; Dragon Fire Skill [Katon; Ryuuka no Jutsu]
This is a very powerful Katon Jutsu, and is also a very advanced jutsu, after performing the needed hand seals the user puts two fingers up to his mouth, and then thrusts them away. Once all the needed chakra is gathered, the user opens his mouth, and then fire shoots out of his mouth. The fire stream can cause a massive amount of damage if hit directly. Burning occurs afterwards | Chakra- 30(Inc2) | Damage- 50(Inc2) | Burn Damage- 5 per post for 3 posts | Chuunin Ninjutsu

- Fire Element; Flame Sphere Technique [Katon; Kyuuka no Jutsu]
A unique Katon, this jutsu is actually meant for defense instead of offence. By using the body as focus point and converting a large amount of chakra into the fire element, the user literally creates a barrier of fire around his or her body. As soon as a decent amount of force is applied to the “barrier” the chakra is disrupted, causing all the chakra and fire rush towards the point of entry and canceling the jutsu. Unfortunately this jutsu is only strong enough to block chuunin level taijutsu and genin level ninjutsu. An additional drawback to this jutsu is that it increases the user's body temperature. | Chakra- 50 | Damage- 65 | Chuunin Ninjutsu

- Fire Element; Large Juggling-Ball Skill [Katon; Kyo Jiten Tama no Jutsu]
This is a very powerful Katon Jutsu, after performing the needed hand seals the user puts an open hand infront of himself. Once all the needed chakra is gathered, the hand will start to release steam or flicker some flames, and then a ball of fire will appear in the hand. Now the ball of fire can be used to inflict damage to the opponent. The size of each ball, is now about the same size as a soccer ball. Because they are now better at controling the chakra they form above their palms, they can create fire that lasts longer, increasing the range of the ball itself to about thirty-five feet. This technique can be used for a melee attack, or a distance attack. | Chakra- 30 (per ball)| Damage- 40 (Per Ball) | Jounin Ninjutsu

<Special Jounin>

- Fire Element; Roaring Fire Spray [Katon; Gouzen Kasai Denpa]
One of the most powerful of the fire element techniques, the Roaoring Fire Spray requires the ninja to first gather chakra into his mouth while performing many swift and diverse hand seals. When the user has gathered all the chakra needed for the technique, he places his hand over his mouth, he then moves it away, and blows opens his mout wide, and a huge spray of fire comes out. The jutsu is good at a long range, however close range would make it very hard to dodge; basically, if you happen to catch your enemy off gaurd, could you use this jutsu close to them to get the upper hand. | Chakra- 90 | Damage- 150 | Special Jounin Ninjutsu

- Fire Element; Fire Dragon Blast [Katon; Karyuu Endan]
This is a very powerful Katon Jutsu, and is also a very advanced jutsu, after performing the needed hand seals the user puts two fingers up to his mouth, and then thrusts them away. Once all the needed chakra is gathered, the user opens his mouth, and then fire shoots out of his mouth. The fire stream can cause a massive amount of damage if hit directly, and is in the shape of a very large dragon. The length of how long the stream of fire can remain out is determined on the strength of the user, however this is different from the last jutsu, because the user has a better understanding of chakra less stress is put into this technique.. | Chakra- 50(Inc3) | Damage- 90(Inc3) | Burn Damage- 10 every the next 4 posts. | Special Jounin Ninjutsu

- Fire Element: Massive Juggling-Ball Skill [Katon; Kyojin Jiten Tama no Jutsu]
This is a very powerful Katon Jutsu, after performing the needed hand seals the user puts an open hand infront of himself. Once all the needed chakra is gathered, the hand will start to release steam or flicker some flames, and then a ball of fire will appear in the hand. Now the ball of fire can be used to inflict damage to the opponent. The size of each ball, is now roughly two-to-three feet in diameter. Because they are now better at controling the chakra they form above their palms, they can create fire that lasts longer, increasing the range of the ball itself to about forty feet. This technique can be used for a melee attack, or a distance attack. This form, however, takes much longer to charge, due to the size. | Chakra- 80 (per ball) | Damage- 100 (per ball) | Special Jounin Ninjutsu

- Fire Element; Hydra Technique [Katon; Hidora no Jutsu]
A variant of the Katon Ryuuka no jutsu, this one has the same function, only tripled. Instead of one stream of fire that advances towards the opponent, the user is capable of exhaling three at the same time, although all still vary from each other at only a slight degree (meaning that they can only be used against enemies that stand close to each other and not at different directions). The 3 streams look like 3 snakes, and that's where the jutsu got its name. | Chakra- 65 (per dragon) | Damage- 80 (Per Dragon) | Special Jounin Ninjutsu
- Fire Element; Longsword [Katon; Daitou]
Similarly performed as compared to the Katon Kyuuka, the user instead focuses all heat around them onto their skin. Then, by molding chakra in the most precise manner they are able to turn their entire arm into a long, flaming sword. It shoots out from the arm and remains there for a few moments, incinerating anything it touches. Comprised of the same sort of heat given off by the Kyuuka, it is basically amplified to the point where it can be used offensively. | Chakra- 50 | Sword Damage- 65 | Lasts 3 posts | Special Jounin Ninjutsu


- Fire Element; Dragon Missile [Katon; Ryuudan]
After creating a dragon head with the “Earth Element; Earth Dragon Missile” skill the user spends extra chakra to create cannonballs that are engulfed in fire. This is a very powerful Katon Jutsu, and is also a very advanced jutsu, after performing the needed hand seals the user puts two fingers up to his mouth, and then thrusts them away. Once all the needed chakra is gathered, the user opens his mouth, and then fire shoots out of his mouth. The fire cannonball can cause a massive amount of damage if hit directly. | Chakra- 70 (per “cannonball”) | Damage- 120 (per “cannonball”) | S-Rank Ninjutsu

- Fire Element; True Hydra Technique [Katon; Shinhidora no Jutsu]
One of the most powerful katons in existence, this jutsu has been known to destroy entire landscapes in one fell swoop. By summoning a large, large Fire Dragon with three heads, the user is able to fire three Katons equal in strength to the Karyuu Endan at three different targets, or all at one before turning itself into a devastating weapon. | Chakra- 300 | Damage- 90 (for each fire breath) and 150 (for the dragon itself) | S-Rank Ninjutsu

Hidden Leaf Jutsu: Moku Branch [UNAVAILABLE]


- Understanding of Wood Structure [Wakari Moku Kouzou]
This is only the knowledge of the different type of wood in the world. At the different ranks, comes a better understanding of each type of wood. The user will start off using techniques that have weaker wood, then a more advanced shinboi that will be using more powerful forms of wood. To use a wood technique at max, one must have an understanding of what would be best used against different justu. Some woods might also supply a better defence against different elemental jutsu. If one doesn't have this technique they would always use the weakest wood, even though the different woods would only supply a few more seconds of defence, that would be a few more seconds to escape death. | Passive | Academy

- Wood Release Technique [Mokuton no Jutsu]
Mokuton no Jutsu, the act of using the wood element, allows the ninja to manipulate and conjure tree and wood at will. The wood will grow and bend at the ninja's will, taking whatever form he needs. This technique doesn't really take that much chakra, however the longer the wood stays out, the more chakra that will be taken from the user over time. This technique can't be used to harm the opponent, however it could be used to try and hold him in place. Though it is just wood, you would have to be pretty strong to break out of it. This technique is the base for some of the more advanced Mokuton techniques. | Chakra: 5 Per Post | Passive | Academy


- Wood Release; Clone Technique [Mokuton; Bunshin no Jutsu]
This technique doesn't need wood in the area if the user knows the Wakari Moku Kouzou passive ability. This technique starts off like a normal Bunshin Clone technique, however it is different in many ways. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, the user will form handseals and cause beams of wood to emerge from his body. This wood will morph and form a clone of the user, capable of utilizing all the same Mokuton techniques as the original. This clone looks just like the user, not like wood. This clone has half the ability of the user. Due to the large ability of the clone, only one can be brought out at time (One Clone Per Post). | Chakra: 50 | Genin

- Wood Release; Armor of Wood [Mokuton; Yoroi no Moku]
This technique doesn't need wood in the are aif the user knows the Wakari Moku Kouzou passive ability. This technique starts off by the user holding the seal, tiger, and then focuses their chakra. This is just like any other armor ability, however if the user doesn't know the Wakari Moku Kouzou this tecnique takes longer to perform. Using the ability to utilize Mokuton techniques, the user will cause layers of wood to for mover his natural skin. The wood will them morph into the same tone of color as the users skin, so it doesn't look like wood is over his skin. This technique doesn't cause the users to get hotter, could cause him to pass out if used for a long period of time. It gives him a small protection by blocking the effects from (equal level) water techniques by cutting the damage done by them in half and does stand up against taijutsu and kenjutsu. | Chakra: 20 Per Post | HP: 40 | Genin


- Wood Release; Wood Wall Technique [Mokuton; Moku Kabe no Jutsu]
This technique doesn't need wood in the are aif the user knows the Wakari Moku Kouzou passive ability. This technique starts off by the user holding the seal, monkey, and then focuses their chakra. This is just like any other wall ability, however if the user doesn't know the Wakari Moku Kouzou this tecnique takes longer to perform. Using the ability to utilize Mokuton techniques, the user slams his hands into the ground, this will cause a huge wall of wood to burst from the ground in front of the user. The type of wood really depends on the user, however it gets the job done no matter what. This technique does cost a lot of chakra to use, so its best not to use this that often. It gives him a protection by blocking the effects from (equal level) techniques by cutting the damage done by them and it does stand up against taijutsu and kenjutsu. | Chakra: 100 | HP: 100 | Chuunin

- Wood Release; Wood Weapon Technique [Mokuton; Moku Heiki no Jutsu]
This technique doesn't need wood in the are aif the user knows the Wakari Moku Kouzou passive ability. This technique starts off by the user holding the seal, tiger for a short time, and then focuses their chakra. This is just like any other weapon ability, however if the user doesn't know the Wakari Moku Kouzou this tecnique takes longer to perform. Using the ability to utilize Mokuton techniques, the user will cause layers of wood to form on they hand. The wood will them morphs into a type of weapon the user needs. Because the weapon is made of clean wood, it has better gripping then normal weapons. Because of this the use can do slightly more damage then what the normal weapon would do. | Chakra: 20 Per Weapon | Damage: +2 Original Weapon | Chuunin


- Wood Release; Wood Barrier Technique [Mokuton; Moku Shouheki no Jutsu]
This technique doesn't need wood in the are aif the user knows the Wakari Moku Kouzou passive ability. This technique starts off by the user holding the seal, monkey for a short time then switches to tiger, and then focuses their chakra. This is just like any other barrier ability, however if the user doesn't know the Wakari Moku Kouzou this tecnique takes longer to perform. Using the ability to utilize Mokuton techniques, the user slams his hands into the ground, this will cause a huge beams of wood to burst from the ground in front of the user. The beams can converge to form a half spherical barrier to deflect an incoming technique. It gives him a protection by blocking the effects from techniques by cutting the damage done by them. | Chakra: 150 | Advanced Jounin

<Special Jounin>

- Wood Release; Four Pillar Home Technique [Mokuton; Shichuuka no Jutsu]
This technique uses the Mokuton no Jutsu as a base, so no wood needs to be in the area unless user doesn't know that jutsu. This technique starts off by the user holding the seal, tiger for a short time then switches to monkey, and then focuses their chakra. Using the ability to utilize Mokuton techniques, the user slams his hands into the ground, this will cause a huge beams of wood to burst from the ground in front of the user. These beams will converge and combine to form a dwelling of his choosing. This dwelling will resemble a normal home, with rooms and doors on the inside. In essence the technique allows the user to conjure a home from nothing, and not even have to summon it. | Chakra: 200 | Special Jounin

- Wood Release; Four Pillar Prison Technique [Mokuton; Shichuurou no Jutsu]
This technique uses the Mokuton no Jutsu as a base, so no wood needs to be in the area unless user doesn't know that jutsu. This technique uses the Mokuton no Jutsu as a base, so no wood needs to be in the area unless user doesn't know that jutsu. This technique starts off by the user holding the seal, tiger for a short time then switches to monkey then back to tiger, and then focuses their chakra. Using the ability to utilize Mokuton techniques, the user slams his hands into the ground, this will cause a huge beams of wood to burst from the ground around the opponent. These beams will converge and combine to form a prison. In essence the technique allows the user to conjure a prison from nothing, and not even have to summon it. | Chakra: 200 | Special Jounin

- Wood Release; Forest of the Unpure Soul [Mokuton; Mori no Ashi Kontan]
This technique uses the Mokuton no Jutsu as a base, so no wood needs to be in the area unless user doesn't know that jutsu. This technique uses the Mokuton no Jutsu as a base, so no wood needs to be in the area unless user doesn't know that jutsu. This technique starts off by the user holding the seal, monkey for a short time then switches to tiger then back to monkey, and then focuses their chakra. Using the ability to utilize Mokuton techniques, the user slams his hands into the ground, this will cause a huge beams of wood to burst from the ground. This technique takes about two posts to complete, so its useful when on a team. This technique creates a large forest, maybe about ten miles around, if in a forest it spears through the whole forest. The trees, and all planets in it give off a deadly poisen that causes harm to the opponent, as well as the users allys. If not given help they will die in three days. The poisen slowly breaks down the human body, however the quickest effect (Five Posts) would be making them unable to move. | Chakra: 300 | Damage: 20 per Post | Advanced Special Jounin, Kinjutsu, Admin Permission


- Wood Release; Unseen Warrior of the Forest [Mokuton; Hitoshirezu Senshi no Mori]
This technique uses the Mokuton no Jutsu as a base, so no wood needs to be in the area unless the user doesn't know that jutsu. This technique uses the Mokuton no Jutsu as a base, so no wood needs to be in the area unless user doesn't know that jutsu. This technique starts off by gathering chakra, this technique doesn't need any hand seals to perform. Using the ability to utilize Mokuton techniques, the user simply looks at a tree, this will cause the trees to sprout out from the ground and attack the opponent. The tree warrior is very strong, however it is very slow, that is why the user can create two tree warriors at a time. The tree warriors slowly break down, untill they go away (Five Posts), even if the opponent doesn't destroy them. | Chakra: 250 | 1000 Health, 15 Strength, 7 Agility | S-Rank, Admin Permission

-- Edited by Tenten at 13:46, 2006-12-26

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