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General Jutsu
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The following is a list of jutsu usable by all villages, without restriction. In addition, the general jutsu listed here do not follow the rule of natural progression, you can add them to your application without having two of a lower rank. However, they also don't help you advance in any other jutsu, so having two general genin jutsu don't qualify you for sand chuunin jutsu, for instance.


Body Switch Skill [Kawarimi no Jutsu]
A basic skill involving quickly switching the body with another plant, animal or inanimate object that has been previously prepaired. This is used to confuse the opponent momentarily and create an opportunity to attack or possibly escape. | Chakra- 15 | The user's agility is increased by 4 when switching locations with a specially prepaired object that is within 1' for every 2 intelligence the user has. | Academy Ninjutsu

- Clone Skill [Bunshin no Jutsu]
A basic technique which creates false clones of the user. The clones are used as a diversion while the user attacks. The clones are incapable of attacking and disappear if directly hit. | Chakra- 5 (per clone) | The bunshin has as much agility as the creator | Academy Genjutsu | Effect lasts 5 Posts

- Secret Information Cards [Nin Shiki Kaado]
A technique which conceals information of an individual on a card. The information is burned on to the cards with chakra and can only be revealed by the user's chakra. Of course, this technique can also be used to store information on a different object and conceal it, like a wall, a door, or scroll. | Non-Battle Skill | Academy Ninjutsu

- Transformation Skill [Henge no Jutsu]
This genjutsu causes the user, including any equipment he may be carying, appear different. You can appear up to 1 foot taller or shorter. You may appear thin, fat, or inbetween. Otherwise, the extent of the apparent change is up to you. You could add or obscure a minor feature or look like an entirely different person. This jutsu does not give the user any special ability to mimic mannerisms, nor does it change tactile or sound aspects of the user. | Chakra- 1 (Every Post) | Academy Genjutsu


- Cancel [Kai]
A jutsu that destroys/cancels out an illusionary jutsu on either the user or an ally by stopping his or her chakra flow temporarily. Unfortunately, the process causes a massive "leak" in chakra temporarily, how big of a chakra loss is dependent on the skill of the genjutsu user and the complexity of the genjutsu being used. | Chakra- (1/2 the cost of the jutsu being canceled) + 10 (Per point of intelligence the genjutsu user has more then you) | Advanced Genin Ninjutsu | You must first realize that you are in a genjutsu through RPing before you may use this.

- Chakra Hair Rope [Chakra Kami Nawa]
By laying down large amounts of hair, the user can create a chakra infused rope that can bind an opponent's legs to the ground. This leaves the enemy open to various kinds of attack since they are unable to move. In order to be effective, the opponent must be standing on the hair. | Chakra- 20 | A strength of 4 is required to break the hair | Genin Ninjutsu

- Explosive Tag Technique [Bakuyaku Sagefuda no Jutsu]
One of the more basic jutsu, the ninja utilizes two layers of paper that contain a small explosive and is traced with a large seal. These explosive tags can be detonated remotely, or set up to detonate when triggered. Typically, the exploding notes are set up so that they explode when something comes near, the note is touched, or a certain amount of time has passed. The tag cannot differentiate between friend and foe, but it can differentiate between sizes, to a point. It is possible to set up an explosive tag that only you can bypass by sending the correct amount of chakra to the tag, thereby suppressing the tag long enough for someone to get through. Any more or any less chakra has no effect on the tag, and one must be aware of the tag's location to send any chakra. | Chakra- 20 (Per Note) | Damage- 20 (Per Note) | Genin Ninjutsu | The amount of chakra needed to bypass the note is set when the tag is first used and can not be changed later. If the note is set to explode by being triggered, then the chakra cost of this jutsu is paid when the trigger is set, otherwise the chakra cost is only paid when the note is remotely detonated.

- Lesser Soldier Pill Utilization [Kasuka Keisotsu Piru no Hakki]
Soldier pills are commonly issued to ninja as a food substitute since they are high on nutrients. However, talented ninja are capable of utilizing those nutrients to gain chakra or remove fatigue. | Chakra or Hp Cost- 4(Inc) | HP or Chakra Gain- 1(Inc) | Genin Ninjutsu

- Tool Summoning [Kenzan no Kuchiyose]
This jutsu utilizes a summoning scroll with various weapons or other tools sown into it. By using chakra and a small blood sacrifice, the user is able to pull the weapon or tool out of the scroll. | Chakra- 5 (Per Tool or Weapon) | Self Damage- 1 (Per Tool or Weapon) | Advanced Genin Ninjutsu


- Explosive Imprisonment Trap [Bakuyaku Tougoku no Wana]
By placing four tags in prime locations, a ninja is able to make the explosions collide, causing a larger amount of damage. In addition to being set up like normal tags, this jutsu allows you to set the tags to explode when someone tries to enter or leave the imprisoned area. Do to the precise nature in which the tags need to set up it's incredibly difficult to set this up mid-battle. | Chakra- 40 | Damage- 80 | Chuunin Ninjutsu | Requires Shaped Charge Technique.

- Guardian Spines [Hari Jizou]
A technique that lengthens the hair and changes it to a coat of hardened spines, which covers the body. This technique can be used both offensively and defensively. The spines are also varying in texture and strength, often times only able to weather one attack (either received or dealt). | Chakra- 10 | Damage- 5 | Chuunin Ninjutsu

- Shaped Charge Technique [Shikouseibakuyaku no Jutsu]
By carefully controlling the way in which the chakra causes the exploding tags to detonate, a ninja is capable of doubling the effectiveness of the blast with only a minor increase in chakra cost. The explosion isn't anymore powerful, but it's simply more directed towards a target. While it is possible to set up a trigger like you can for normal explosive tags, doing so is generally ill-advised since the direction of the explosion must be pre-directed, meaning that it's very possible for the Shaped Charge to miss entirely. most ninja prefer to detonate the shaped charges themselves. | Chakra- 25 (Per Tag) | Damage- 40 (Per Tag) | Chuunin Ninjutsu | Requires Explosive Tag Technique

- Soldier Pill Utilization [Keisotsu Piru no Hakki]
Soldier pills are commonly issued to ninja as a food substitute since they are high on nutrients. However, talented ninja are capable of utilizing those nutrients to gain chakra or remove fatigue. | Chakra or Hp Cost- 3(Inc) | HP or Chakra Gain- 1(Inc) | Chuunin Ninjutsu | Requires Lesser Soldier Pill Utilization


- Improved Soldier Pill Utilization [Betakeisotsu Piru no Hakki]
Soldier pills are commonly issued to ninja as a food substitute since they are high on nutrients. However, talented ninja are capable of utilizing those nutrients to gain chakra or remove fatigue. | Chakra or Hp Cost- 2(Inc) | HP or Chakra Gain- 1(Inc) | Jounin Ninjutsu | Requires Soldier Pill Utilization

- Incendiary Explosive Technique [Hitsuke Kikenbutsu no Jutsu]
By slowly providing chakra instead of rapidly, a ninja is capable of causing a tag to burn instead of exploding. In addition, the paper becomes sticky, creating an effect similar to that of napalm. Although far more damaging then their exploding cousins, Incendiary Explosions don't really explode, and there fore only effect what they are touching, making them almost useless for traps, although they can still be set up to trigger like normal explosive tags. | Chakra- 40 (Per Tag) | Damage- 30 (Per Tag, Every Post) | Jounin Ninjutsu | Effect lasts three posts before the tags burn out. Rapidly cooling the tags ends the effect, but simply attempting to rub them off is counter-productive. | Requires Shaped Charge Technique

- Shape Charge Booby Trap [Shikouseibakuyaku no Shikakejirai]
A great advancement in explosive traps, this jutsu allows the trap a small amount of intelligence. Instead of exploding in a pre-determined direction, shaped charges actually track things that enter their vicinity, exploding in such a way as to hit whatever triggered them. This jutsu basically removes the need to pre-set a direction in which shaped charges will explode. | Passive | Jounin Ninjutsu | Requires Shaped Charge Technique

<Special Jounin>

- Ally Identifier Technique [Mikata Shikibetsushi no Jutsu]
An even greater advancement then the Shaped Charge Booby trap, this jutsu allows you to set a few "chakra signatures" into the explosive tag. The explosive tag will ignore people who have this unique signature, and multiple signatures can be set into the same explosive tag. | Passive | Special Jounin Ninjutsu | Requires Shaped Charge Booby trap

- Delayed Napalm Blast [Zurasu Napa-mu no Bakuha]
This jutsu allows one to hold a "charge" in explosive tags used for the Napalm Technique indefinitely, without chakra costs. This also allows one to set a trap using the napalm technique, as though it were an explosive tag. | Passive | Advanced Special Jounin Ninjutsu | Requires the Napalm Technique

- Exploding Shadow Clone Body [Kage Bunshin Tai no Bakuhatsu]
A variation on the Shadow Clone Technique, this jutsu creates a real clone of the user. The clone is capable of inflicting damage on the opponent like a normal shadow clone, but it can't perform any nin or genjutsu. When the clone is destroyed it explodes. | Chakra- 30 (Inc5) | Damage- 50 (Inc5)| Advanced Special Jounin Kinjutsu

- Greater Soldier Pill Utilization [Ikou Keisotsu Piru no Hakki]
Soldier pills are commonly issued to ninja as a food substitute since they are high on nutrients. However, talented ninja are capable of utilizing those nutrients to gain chakra or remove fatigue. | Chakra or Hp Cost- 1(Inc) | HP or Chakra Gain- 1(Inc) | Special Jounin Ninjutsu | Requires Improved Soldier Pill Utilization

- Napalm Technique [Napa-mu no Jutsu]
The natural advancement of the Incendiary Explosive Technique, this jutsu super-heats the tag by slowly adding chakra to it and then causes the tag to explode. This sends bits and pieces of the adhesive paper everywhere, slowly burning their victims. Unlike other jutsu utilizing explosive tags, it's generally inefficient to use this jutsu as a trap, since delaying the explosion of this jutsu costs chakra. In addition, you can not wait for the tag to be close before using this jutsu, it must be touching you for it to first activate (as in, hold the charge).| Chakra- 50 (Per Tag) | Damage- 40 (Per Tag, Every Post) | Special Jounin Ninjutsu | Effect lasts three posts before ending. Rapid cooling of the jutsu can end the jutsu prematurely, but cooling the material enough to do so is very difficult, especially given that the napalm is all over the body instead of one spot. For every post beyond the first that the Napalm technique is delayed, each tag drains 25 chakra from the user. | Requires the Incendiary Explosive Technique

- Shadow Clone Technique [Kage Bunshin no Jutsu]
A high level technique that creates real clones of the user. The clones are capable of performing ninja techniques and inflicting damage on the opponent. They are also able to receive a certain amount of damage before they vanish. It is possible for the clone to perform any jutsu that the user knows, but channeling chakra through a clone is very difficult. Using a clone as the originator for a jutsu forces the user to pay twice as much chakra as normal. | Chakra- 10 (per clone) | Clones have 5 HP | Special Jounin Kinjutsu

- Shaped Charge Imprisonment Technique [Shikouseibakuyaku Tougoku no Jutsu]
By placing four shape charges in prime locations, a ninja is able to make the explosions collide, causing a larger amount of damage. In addition to being set up like normal tags, this jutsu allows you to set the tags to explode when someone tries to enter or leave the imprisoned area. Do to the precise nature in which the tags need to set up it's incredibly difficult to set this up mid-battle. | Chakra- 100 | Damage- 160 | Special Jounin Ninjutsu | Requires Shaped Charge Booby Trap and Explosive Imprisonment Technique.

- Throwing Star Shadow Clone Technique [Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu]
A high level technique that creates a tremendous number of real, replicated weapons. The weapons are projected at an opponent in a swarm. An origonal weapon is needed that you replicate. | Chakra- 5 (Per Weapon) | Special Jounin Ninjutsu


- Burning Hell Technique [Shounetsujigoku no Jutsu]
One of the more devastating techniques, this jutsu utilizes the destructive power of the Napalm Technique in ways that few have even dreamed about. By placing five tags in very precise location, a ninja is capable of producing a swirling torrent of heat, flame and napalm. Even after the initial blast, the adhesive shavings cover everything in the area, cooking it. Unfortunately, do to the precision needed to use this jutsu, utilizing it in battle is almost impossible, and instead can only be set up as a trap. However, the jutsu does affect a large area when it does go off. | Chakra- 250 | Damage- 100 (Every Post) | S-Rank Ninjutsu | Effect lasts 5 posts, and moving out of the incinerated area does not end the effect. | Requires the Shaped Charge Imprisonment Technique, Delayed Napalm Blast and the Ally Identifier Technique

-- Edited by Tenten at 04:06, 2006-08-29

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