- Artificial Thin Mist Skill [Jinkouteki Ruikiri no Jutsu] The user uses this jutsu around water to create a very thin mist. This mist is too thin to be used as any sort of cover but it can be used as a source for mist based jutsu. | Chakra – 5 | Lasts 3 posts | Academy Ninjutsu
- Morning Dew [Asastsuyu] The user creates mist again but instead of placing it in the air they place it on the ground. This makes the ground very slick and slippery for the opponent. Now while this is useless on dirt, sand, or dry ground it is very effective on grass and rocks. It can effect the user aswell, but the user does have the advantage of suprise| Chakra – 4 | Lasts 6 posts | Academy Ninjutsu
- Gathering Water Supply Skill [Saishuu Kyuusui no Jutsu] Naturally a ninja that utilizes jutsu that involve the use of water need water, naturally. As a way to combat lack of resources, this technique was developed in order to gather what is neccesary. A practictioner of this jutsu uses chakra to gather percipitation from the air, from condensation on objects, from plants into an area nearbyAs the user’s skill progresses, the area from where the user collects the water and how much they can gather increases. | Passive | The user may perform any jutsu that uses water in the desc., but doesn't list having a large source of water nearby as a requirement. | Academy Ninjutsu
- Underwater Breathing Technique [Suichuu Ikidzukai no Jutsu] A basic jutsu whereby one uses chackra to force a large amount of air into the lungs. After which, the user then holds his or her breath and uses chackra to artificially recycle the air in their lungs to make the most of it. The end result is that the user is able to hold his or her breath for up to five minuets longer. | Chakra - 5 | Academy Ninjutsu
- Carp Rapid-Fire Gun [Koi Sokushahou] A simple jutsu that causes a person to gradually produce water in their mouth that can be spit out at an opponent. It can hit with enough force to stun your opponent if it is done properly. It can be done 5 times in succession, or one jet can be shot per post. | Chakra- 5 per shot | Damage- 3 per shot| Genin Ninjutsu | After 10 of the user's posts, any remaining shots are lost.
- Mist Blade [Kiri no Yaiba] Using this technique the user can create an extended sharpened edge made of mist from their hands or an already existing weapon. | Chakra – 7(inc2) | Damage – 10 | Genin Ninjutsu | The inc is for length. Originally it is only about one foot. The inc adds on another two feet. Must have mist in area. Lasts 3 posts
- Mist Clone Skill [Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu] A technique that creates false clones of the user. The clones are used as a diversion while the user attacks. The clones are incapable of attacking, but any attacks made on them pass right through. | Chakra- 5 (Per Clone) | Genin Genjutsu
- Water Armor [Mizu no Yoroi] A thin layer of water covers the user’s whole body. It gives him/her a small protection by dampening the effects from (genin-level) fire techniques by cutting the damage done by them in half and does stand up against taijutsu. While the armor is on, it constantly draws out small amounts of the user’s chakra until its HP runs out. | Chakra- 15 (Every Post) | HP- 30 | Advanced Genin Ninjutsu
- Water Clone Skill [Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu] A skill which creates clones composed of water. The water clones are significantly weaker than the user but are still capable of inflicting damage on the opponent. A clone will have one fourth of the user's hp and stats, but no chackra. | Chakra- 10 (per clone) | Genin Genjutsu
- Water Element; Water Shuriken Technique [Suiton; Mizu Shuriken no Jutsu] By using their chakra an opponent manipulates water to form shuriken from it. Once the shuriken cut, hit, or fall to the ground they return to water with no form. The water can be re-used. | Chakra- 10 (Per Shuriken) | Damage- 8 (Per Shuriken) | Advanced Genin Ninjutsu| requires a water source bigger than 5 feet in diameter at least.
- Water Shield Technique [Mizu Tate no Jutsu] A shield of water is formed around the user as a cylindrical barrier that reaches just above the user's head. The shield lasts for 4 posts, and after the initial creation that user can manipulate the water. This allows for water spikes, tentacles, hands and the like, though these appendages are not dexterous enough to handle a weapon. The bad thing is that the shield isn't that reliable, stronger (Chuunin Level) techniques can get through it but it is a good defense against simple taijutsu techniques. | Chakra- 40 | Damage- 10 | HP- 35 | Advanced Genin Ninjutsu | Must be near a large source of water to make anything but the basic shield. Lasts 4 posts.
- Waterfang Projectile [Suigadan] The user sends his chackra into a nearby body of water and from it makes spikes of water that spin and can pierce an opponent. | Chakra – 7 (per projectile) | Damage – 5 (per projectile) | Genin Ninjutsu
- Water Reflection Clone Technique [Mizukaisou Bunshin no Jutsu] A Jutsu that makes the user's reflection in the water able to step out and attack on its own. This type of Water Clone is just as powerful as the user is though the clone is unable to use any form of Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. A single hit destroys this clone. | Chakra- 12 (per clone) | Chuunin Genjutsu
- Choking Fog [Ikigurushii Enmu] The user super condenses the mist near the opponent making it hard to breathe. Although this isn’t enough to kill someone or to do any real damage, it is enough to slow down their movements and place them into a panic-stricken state of mind. This altered state of mind helps the user in pulling off plans or just in simply finding them. | Chakra – 25 | Chuunin Ninjutsu | Lasts for 5 posts, must use with hidden mist skill
- Hidden Mist Skill [Kirigakure no Jutsu] A highly effective cover technique which blankets an area in a thick fog, confusing the senses of the enemy. Unless the user is trained to fight without the use of his eyes this jutsu does not provide a significant combat advantage. This can also be used as a source for Mist based techniques. | Chakra- 30 | Chuunin Ninjutsu
- Water Sword [Mizu no Yaiba] Creates a sharp sword made of solid water in the user’s hand. The user can freely decide what shape and size he/she wants the sword to have, from a tiny dagger to a massive decapitator sword. However, this sword is weak and can only do minor slashes to human flesh, and can easily beaten by fire or high-pressure winds. | Chakra- 20 | Damage- 6+(1/2 Agility) | Chuunin Ninjutsu | Lasts five posts
- Water Prison Skill [Suirou no Jutsu] A skill used to trap the victim inside a prison of water; it is very difficult to escape. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep one arm inside the bubble at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. | Chakra- 25 (Every Post) | Chuunin Ninjutsu | Must be performed near a large source of water
- Water Protection [Mizu Shugo no Jutsu] An advanced version of the Water Armor. A thin layer of water covers the user’s whole body. It gives him/her a small protection by dampening the effects from fire techniques by cutting their damage in half. It also protects from Taijutsu attacks. While the armor is on, it constantly draws out small amounts of both the user’s chakra. | Chakra- 40 Every Post | HP- 45 | Advanced Chuunin Ninjutsu
- Tornado of Water [Mizu no Tatsumaki] A technique in which the user summons up a large spiraling vortex around him or herself. It can be used as both a defensive and offensive tool. Good at blocking long range attacks and fire jutsu. | Chakra – 80 (every post) | Damage – 40 (if struck or if the opponent strikes) | Chuunin Ninjutsu | Cannot perform any jutsu while this is going on, opponent can enter through the top, and must be near a large source of water.
- Bombarding Hail [Hougeki Arare] Stg 1 Using this jutsu requires great chakra control, performing hand seals and sending chakra into the clouds. After a bit of development, a ninja will form the percipitation of the cloud into hail. This hail will fall for a brief time from the clouds and by chakra control be targeted at the opponent. |Chakra- 30 | Damage- 50 | Chuunin Ninjutsu| Develops in the same post performed and clouds must be over the fighting area. Hail is marble sized.
- Sword of Draining [Mizukuri no Yaiba] An advanced form of the Mizu no Yaiba. Instead of just making a sword made of stagnant water. The user instead makes the water move quickly giving it a higher tension level. Thus making it harder to bust up and giving it a sharper edge. | Chakra – 25 | Damage – 10+(1/2 agility) | Jounin Ninjutsu | Lasts 5 posts, must know Mizu no Yaiba
- Frozen Water Shield Technique [Touketsu Mizu Tate no Jutsu] A shield of water is formed around the user that freezes partially when struck. The shield lasts for 4 posts, and after its initial creation the user can manipulate the water. This allows for water spikes, tentacles, hands and the like to come out. Any attacking appendage freezes momentarily before striking, increasing the amount of potential damage dealt. The bad thing is that the shield isn't that reliable, stronger techniques can get through it but it is a good defense against simple and intermediate taijutsuattacks. | Chakra- 60 (per post) | Damage- 25 | HP- 40 | Jounin Ninjutsu | Must be near a large source of water to make anything other than a basic shield. Lasts 6 posts.
- Mist Instantaneous Body Skill [Kiri Shunshin no Jutsu] A technique which allows the user to transport from one place to another in a veil of mist. | Chakra- 40 (25 if in a misty environment) | Jounin Ninjutsu | Once per battle, transports up to 600 yards.
- Poison Mist [Doku Kiri] The user spews forth a giant cloud of poisonous mist from his or her mouth that blankets an area of a 30 ft radius in a dark green mist. This mist is comprised of a weak poison that irritates the opponents’ throat and lungs causing them to go into long and painful coughing fits. | Chakra – 40 | Jounin Ninjutsu | Lasts 3 posts
- Water Chains Technique [Suikusari no Jutsu] Creates chains made of water and binds an enemie's ankles and wrists. The strength and power of these chains depends on how skilled the user is with ninjutsu. The enemy can still perform seals if his arms are strong enough to move. | Chakra- 80 | Jounin Ninjutsu | Lasts Three Posts. Must be near a source of water. Strength higher than five to break.
- Water Element; Water Cannon Technique [Suiton; Suihou no Jutsu] A skill that lets the user spit a powerful beam of boiling water, strong enough to push down to cause physical damage. The user can spit three such beams consecutively, or fire them off one per post. After three posts, if any of the shots remain unfired, they are lost. | Chakra- 100 | Damage- 50 (Per Blast, including when fired consecutively) | Jounin Ninjutsu
- Water Instantaneous Body Skill [Mizu Shunshin no Jutsu] A technique which allows the user to transport from one place to another through puddles of water. | Chakra- 20 | Jounin Ninjutsu | Must be near puddles of water. Once per battle. Transports a person or persons up to 200 yards.
- Water Collision Destruction [Suishouha] After creating a large tornado of water the user can make it bear down on their opponent and move it at their will. Purely offensive and lacks any defensive capabilities. | Chakra – 50 (per tornado) | Damage – 70 (per tornado) | Jounin Ninjutsu | must be performed around a large source of water.
- Bombarding Hail [Hougeki Arare] (Stg 2) Using this jutsu requires great chakra control, performing hand seals and sending chakra into the clouds. After a bit of development, a ninja will form the percipitation of the cloud into hail. This hail will fall for a brief time from the clouds and by chakra control be targeted at the opponent. | Chakra- 50 | Damage- 70 | Jounin Ninjutsu | 2 posts to develop and clouds must be over the fighting area. Golfball sized hail is created.
- Water Trap of Restraint [Mizuwana no Yokuseiryoku] Creates a large body tourniquet out of nearby water to wrap around an opponent or an unruly prisoner restraining their legs and arms. This can also be set up like a trap, for if somone steps on a puddle the trap will go off and attempt to restrain them. |Chakra-90| Special Jounin Ninjutsu | Lasts five posts. Must be near a source of water. Strength higher than six to break.
- Snow Blindness [Setsumou] Used in conjunction with the Hidden Mist skill this makes things even more difficult to see. If used without the Hidden Mist skill, it is far less effective.The user makes snow begin to fall from the sky as thick as possible. This, of course, effects both the user and the opponent's vision. |Chakra- 45| Special Jounin Ninjutsu| This jutsu does not count in the one jutsu per post limit ONLY when used with the Hidden Mist skill. must be performed near a body of water unless when used with the Hidden Mist skill.
- Water Element; Water Barrier [Suiton; Suijinheki] An ultimate defense of the Mist Shinobi, Suiton Suijinheki requires a great deal of water to work. Upon completing the technique, a large, swirling barrier of water surrounds the user and any nearby allies. This protects against any fire technique, as well as any Ninjutsu that are projectiles by nature. Attempting to breach the barrier with Taijutsu is self-defeating, the opponent who attempts to do so will find himself being whirled around the barrier and slammed into the ground several times throughout the duration of the technique as he is caught in its strong current. | Chakra- 100 Damage- 35 if opponent is caught in the barrier.| Special Jounin Ninjutsu | Lasts Two Posts
- Water Element; Water Dragon Blast Skill [Suiton; Suiryuudan no Jutsu] A powerful attack that creates a huge current of water in the shape of a dragon, which is then sent towards the opponent. Essentially a devastating single target attack. | Chakra- 40 (Inc3) | Damage- 60 (Inc3) | Special Jounin Ninjutsu| Must be near a large source of water
- Grand Water Explosion Technique [Daibakufu no Jutsu] After performing a long string of handseals the user creates a spiraling column of water that will circle the user and afterwards the user can force it to erupt into the opponent. Due to the immense force of the attack the opponent will be under the mercy of the water as it drags them away from the user. | Chakra – 120 | Damage – 170 | Requires 8 strength to not be pulled away | Special Jounin Ninjutsu| Must be near a large source of water.
- Water Element; Water Shark Blast Technique [Suiton: Suikoudan no Jutsu] A powerful attack that requires its target to be on or near the water, this technique creates a large shark comprised of water that can be used to attack in one of two ways. Primarily, the shark is sent towards the opponent at a charge, attempting to strike the opponent with extreme bashing force as well as trying to rend him with its teeth. The second, more devious use involves the shark attempting to swallow the opponent. In this case, the shark is hidden under the water until it attacks. If it manages to swallow an opponent, he is trapped within a sphere of water for 2 posts as the shark itself dissolves. After an attack, successful or not, it vanishes. | Chakra- 80 | Damage- 100 | Special Jounin Ninjutsu | Must be near a large source of water.
- Bombarding Hail [Hougeki Arare] (Stg 3) Using this jutsu requires great chakra control, performing hand seals and sending chakra into the clouds. After a bit of development, a ninja will form the percipitation of the cloud into hail. This hail will fall for a brief time from the clouds and by chakra control be targeted at the opponent. | Chakra- 80 | Damage- 120 | Special Jounin Ninjutsu| 3 posts to develop and clouds must be over the fighting area. Creates grapefruit sized hail.
- Unstoppable Cyclone Technique [Mukyuu Teikiatsu no Jutsu] After creating a spiraling column of water the user turns it on it’s side and makes it spin faster. They then release it and let it go on a speeding rampage destroying almost anything in its way. | Chakra – 150 | Damage – 250 | S-Rank Ninjutsu| Must be near a very large source of water.
- Water Element; Rising Blast [Suiton; Suishouha] Using large amounts of chakra, the user creates water from thin air and forms so much that it creates a mini-tidal wave. The water then does not dissipate for the duration of the battle, thus creating an arena where the user has a large advantage. If the climate is exceptionally arid, such as a desert, the water only lasts for 10 posts before draining into the sand. The depth of the water once the wave has settled is anywhere between 8 to 10 feet. | Chakra- 200 | S-Rank Ninjutsu