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Rain Village Jutsu List
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- Artificial Rain Skill [Jinkouu no Jutsu]
By focusing chakra on a source of water to evaporate it and raise it up in the air, the user may create a cloud far above the battlefield. Because heat is not used to accomplish this the cloud quickly recondenses and begins falling as rain. The area covered by the rain is the same (15 meters) but the time the rain lasts is dependent on how much chakra and water is used. | Chakra- 6 (Per Post) | Academy Ninjutsu| The Rain starts the post after this jutsu is used. Please be realistic with the source of water you use.

- Reverse Rain [Rimen Kouu]
This technique defines the users chakra control and for tactical measures for other techniques. The user creates the nescesary handseals and every rain drop which falls on the ground starts to go up into the air instead, so the rain becomes backwards, when the rain becomes backwards it can make techniques such as the Raining Clone to not get destroyed by falling into the ground | Chakra - 10 | Academy Ninjutsu| Lasts 3 posts | Can not use in any combination with Rotating or Stop Rain | Must be raining

- Rotating Rain [Jiten Kouu]
This technique defines the users chakra control and for tactical measures for other techniques. The user creates the nescesary handseals and every rain drop starts to rotate in an orbit around a focus point, it can be anything. This works very well with the Stop Rain and the Reflection Rain Clone | Chakra - 10 | Academy Ninjutsu| Lasts 3 posts | Can not use in any combination with Stop or Reverse Rain | Must be raining

- Stop Rain [Shuushi Kouu]
This technique defines the users chakra control and for tactical measures for other techniques. The user creates the nescesary handseals and every rain drop stops in mid air or wherever they are | Chakra - 10 | Academy Ninjutsu| Lasts 3 posts | Can not use in any combination with Rotating or Reverse | Must be raining


- Big Rain Skill [Ooki Kouu no Jutsu]
By sending subtle chakra waves into the clouds, the user is able to create unusually large nuclei for the water droplets to condense on. The end result is big rain drops that fall to the ground at a faster then normal rate. They aren't big or fast enough to cause any real damage, but they are quite distracting. | Chakra- 10 | Genin Ninjutsu| Must be raining. Effect starts the next post and lasts three posts.

- Heavy Rain Skill [Gouu no Jutsu]
A jutsu that actually uses the victim’s clothing as a medium to effect him or her. By filling the clothing with water-elemental chakra the user causes the clothing to fully retain all water it comes in contact with which will gradually cause the clothing to become heavier and heavier. Unfortunately, this jutsu that does not create water, so it is only useful in a rainy or otherwise wet environment. | Chakra- 5 (Every Post) | Genin Ninjutsu| Must be raining

- Rain Bullet [Kouu Hari]
The user holds the palm open, and the user molds chakra into one palm and uses it as a medium to draw rain drops to the hand and forms a ball, the water ball will be so high pressured that it will shoot away from the users hand and the user will be knocked back. If it hits the enemy the enemy will be sent away flying or unbalanced | Chakra - 15 | Damage - 20 | Genin Ninjutsu| Must be raining

- Raining Clones [Kouu Bunshin]
The creates the nescesary handseals and clones starts to rain down above the user or the enemy, every clone is totally harmless and is destroyed by one hit or if they collide with the ground or the enemy | Chakra - 10 per clone | Genin Ninjutsu| Must be raining

- Rain Spear [Kouu no Yari]
By using chakra to condense a large amount of rain water into one place, the user creates a spear of water in the clouds. The spear can at any time be called down to strike an opponent with only one hand-seal. The water will stay in the form of spear for a short amount of time (three posts). If the spear is not used by that time it will fall uselessly as rain. The only warning this technique gives is a second pause in the rain when the water is gathered and condensed. | Chakra- 20 | Damage- 25 | Advanced Genin Ninjutsu| It must be raining

- Rain Spike [Kouu Kasui]
Using the rain and the water on the ground as a medium the user can make the water become sharp spikes. The user creates the nescesary handseals and puts both hands on the ground and the rain becomes spikes on the ground as they hit the water on the ground. There must be water on the ground where the user puts down the hands | Chakra - 5 per spike (inc5) | Damage - 10 per spike (inc5) | Genin Ninjutsu| Must be raining


- Boiling Heat [Futto Nekki]
This is a perfect jutsu for the one in with a shelter. The user focuses his mind into the rain making it give off a scorching heat. Being hit by this rain makes the body getting burned of the heat, and might even make the skin boil. Heavy burnmarks. This affects the user also. An umbrella or an umbrella hat would be enough for a shelter, or maybe if the user hides under a tree | Chakra - 20(inc3) | Damage - 10 damage per post | Chuunin Ninjutsu| Lasts 1(inc3) post | Must be raining

- Hidden Rain Slash [Kouugakure Kai]
The user focuses in the rain and on a special rain drop in the air, this rain drop becomes as sharp as a sword and the user can focus it to land anywhere, the disadvantage is that it falls straight down but with a high speed of course | Chakra - 10 | Damage - 20 | Chuunin Ninjutsu| Must be raining

- Hidden Rain Technique [Kouugakure no Jutsu]
A jutsu that can only be used in rain to conceal oneself, this jutsu is considered a dynamic form of henge. After performing a row of hand-seals, the user seems to disappear. In truth, they have merely assumed a form that mimics rain. Fast movements and physical contact with others may reveal the user. | Chakra- 10 | Chuunin Ninjutsu| Must be raining.

- Reflection Rain Clone [Mizukaisou Kouu Bunshin]
The user hides in the rain then creates a reflection of the user in front of the enemy, or in serie of rain drops, or any angle, the user must be in contact with the reflection clone at all time and every step that the user takes the reflection clone will do. The reflection clone is destroyed after one hit, this is a tactical technique | Chakra - 25 | Chuunin Ninjutsu| Must be raining

- Shivering Cold [Furue Retsu]
The user focus his mind into the rain making it shivering cold, this makes the body frosty and the body will probably start to ache of the cold, if the user or enemy has a lot of clothings though they will be fine. It also makes both user and enemy move slower. This affects the user also | Chakra - 20(inc3 | Damage - 5 damage per post | Chuunin Ninjutsu| -1 Agility to user and enemy, if the user has a lot of cloths on him or her the technique won't effect the user | Lasts 1(inc3) post | Must be raining

- Water Element; Rain’s Renaissance [Suiton; Kouu no Fukkou]
The user slams his hand on the ground and sends a large wave of chakra into the ground. This wave of chakra causes all small, nearby sources of water to fly back into the clouds to replenish them. This has little effect on natural storms but on artificial ones it can be used multible times to lengthen it almost indefinitely. | Chakra- 25 | Chuunin Ninjutsu| Adds five posts to the Artificial Rain Skill. Must be raining or have been raining.

- Endless Rain of Spears [Yari no Kirinonai Kouu]
By using chakra to condense a large amount of rain water into one place, the user creates spears of water in the clouds. The spear can at any time be called down to strike an opponent with only one hand-seal. The water will stay in the form of spear for a short amount of time (three posts). If the spear is not used by that time it will fall uselessly as rain. The only warning this technique gives is a second pause in the rain when the water is gathered and condensed. | Chakra- 20 (Per Spear) | Damage- 25 | Chuunin | It must be raining

- Ball of Rain [Mari Kouu]
The user starts running and form the necessary handseals and the rain stops in the air, and the palm will be a medium which will work as a magnet for rain drops which draws to the user palm and strengthen the attack and when the ball of rain hits the opponent it explodes towards the enemy and pushes him away and leaves an open attack for the user | Chakra - 40 | Damage - 50 | Jounin Ninjutsu| Must be raining

- Raining Needles [Jouro Senbon]
Ability where Senbon needles are ejected from parasols and guided by chakra to an opponent. The needles move fast enough to even penetrate steel. | Chakra- 2 (per needle) | Damage- 3 (per needle) | Jounin Ninjutsu | Only a mild guidance capabilities

- Water Element; Black Rain [Suiton; Kokuu no Jutsu]
The most unique water elemental technique in that it doesn’t actually use water. Instead it alters the chemical makeup of rain to turn it into black oil. After a large amount of water has turned into oil (which takes one post), it falls to the ground like rain. The oil in itself does little more then smell bad, but when lit the resulting fire can be devastating. | Chakra- 150 | Damage- 175 (When lit) | Advanced Jounin Ninjutsu | Must be raining. The oil will be washed away in two posts worth of raining.

- Raining Rain Bullets [Kouu Kouu Hari]
The user does the nescesary handseals and focuses chakra into the rain, the rain draws together and becomes a lot of Rain Bullets, the Rain Bullets is high pressured and would be as rocks falling from the sky | Chakra - 20 per bullet | Damage - 30 per bullet | Jounin Ninjutsu | Must be raining

- Wall of Rain [Hei Kouu]
The user do the nescesary handseals and holds both hands with open palms in front of the user, a large wall falls down in front of the user, made out of water. The user must hold both hands into the wall. This wall has 30 health and prevents fire attacks and most taijutsu but can be penetrated easily by earth and is very vurnable to lightning attacks. If lightning strikes the wall it will connect through the whole water and strike the user also | Chakra - 25 | Jounin Ninjutsu | Must be raining

<Special Jounin>

- Endless Rain of the Spiral Spears [Rasen Yari no Kirinonai Kouu]
An advanced form of the Rain Spear that uses chakra to condense a large amount of rain water into one place to form spears of water in the clouds. The spears can at any time be called down to strike an opponent with only one hand-seal. Unlike its predecessor, these spears are made of constantly moving water that can actually cut an opponent. They also move in a corkscrew pattern that can be slightly manipulated. By widening or sharpening the turns, you can change where the spear will hit mid-technique. The water will stay in the form of spears for a short amount of time (two posts). Any spears that are not used by that time it will fall uselessly as rain. | Chakra- 30 (Per Spear) | Damage- 40 (Per Spear) | Advanced Special Jounin Ninjutsu | Must be raining

- Rain Knives [Kouu Hyoujin]
The user creates the nescesary handseals and rain drops in an area of 20 metres around the user is able to turn into sharp water needles, these are relatively weak but can be made to make a diversion, max 5 rain needles is able to create. | Chakra - 10(inc5) | Damage - 15(inc5) | Special Jounin Ninjutsu| Must be raining

- Hundred Rain Reflection Clones [Hyaku Kouu Mizukaisou Bunshin]
A large scale upgrade of the Reflection Rain clone. The user can create his reflection in every rain drop and it becomes at max hundred reflection clones, these don't cause a threat to the enemy and is destroyed by one hit but can make the enemy confused and the user will have time to issue another attack | Chakra - 80 | Special Jounin Ninjutsu| Must know Reflection Rain Clone | Must be raining

- Rain Pillar [Kouu Hashira]
The user focuses rain to form as a large pillar before high up in the rain, and also focusing on a point on the ground where it should land, the water pillar has a radius of 4 metres and is a powerful jutsu to give an upper advantage against the enemy, the pillar dissolves as it lands on the ground creating a shockwave of water | Chakra - 100 | Damage - 150 direct hit, 75 for shockwave | Special Jounin Ninjutsu| Must be raining

- Water Element; Rain Dragon Skill [Suiton; Kouryuu no Jutsu]
A powerful jutsu that’s into motion the creation of a dragon made of clouds. Although it takes some to actually appear (1 post), the dragon itself is very powerful and adds a level of versatility previously unknown to rain-based techniques. The dragon swoops down from the sky and onto the battlefield. Not only is it capable of shooting a spiral rain spear (40 damage) from any point on its body once per post, but it is capable of directing a small rainstorm from its body. This allows rain techniques to be used from the dragon, and become more localized. | Chakra- 200 | Advanced Special Jounin Ninjutsu| Must be raining. Dragon lasts five posts.


- Dark Rain [Kuro Kouu]
The user forms the nescesary handseals and the all the rain drops in the area becomes pitch black, they can be felt pouring down but would not be seen, and they would still be transperant. This is a very strong technique because as soon as this is done every technique the user create using this will be pitch black and the enemy will not see them coming | Chakra - 150 | S-rank Ninjutsu

- Flight of the Rain Dragons [Haisou no Kouryuu no Jutsu]
After performing a long row of hand seals, the user makes a small cut on each of his or her ring fingers and raises his or her hands to the sky. Some of the user’s blood raises up into the sky, apparently as a sacrifice. The clouds then begin to warp and form into several dragons. Once fully formed (which takes 1 post), each of the dragons is capable of emitting a spiral rain spear (40 damage) every turn. The dragons also act as alternate sources of rain. | Chakra- 100 (Per Dragon) | S-Rank Ninjutsu| Must be raining, Dragons last five posts.

Poison (Unfinished)


- Poison Contruction Knowledge [Egetsunai Eizou Jinchi]
The basic knowledge on how to create different poisons, to be able to create poisons with ingredients from plants and such and also from molding chakra | Academy | Passive

- Poison Protection [Egetsunai Engo]
The user can by creating a thin, but protective, layer of chakra to withstand poison damage, only poison though, does not protect against any kind of corroding acid. If the user creates a technique involving to spit poison at an opponent then the user can create the layer of protecting chakra inside the mouth to not be affected by the poison. Can only protect organs or the inside of the user, not the skin | Chakra - 10 | Academy


- Poison Element; Rain of Glue [Dokuton; Secchakuzai no Kouu]
A simple jutsu that converts a small amount of chakra into the poison element which then seeds the clouds. The poison isn’t enough to make the rain dangerous, but it does give the rain an adhesive property that makes moving difficult. | Chakra- 30 | Advanced Genin | Must be raining. The adhesive rain stops in three posts and is washed away after two posts worth of raining.

- Poison Element; Glue Leech [Dokuton; Nikawa Hiru]
The user takes water or a poisonus plant in their mouth and chews it down, it becomes a thick liquid, almost like glue. The user then spits it at the enemy, when hit the glueish poison puts itself unto the enemy and like a leech it starts to drain the enemy of chakra. Can spit 3 times. The leech is easily taken of. If the leech eats enough chakra it will explode because it gets too much. The leech eats chakra through cloths also | Chakra - 15 | Chakra Damage - 1 per post per glue leech | Damage - 5 if the leech explodes | Genin | Must know Poison Protection | Leech explodes after 2 posts

- Poison Element; Disease Spear [Dokuton; Yamai Yari]
The user creates the nescesary handseal and focuses a spear into their hand of the surrounding water, by molding chakra into the spear it becomes purple and gives of a bad odor. When it hits the enemy it will be splash into the enemy and gives the enemy loss of smelling. It also gives an irritating cough and sucks unto the skin of the enemy | Chakra - 10 | Damage - 5 per post | Genin | Poison damage lasts 4 posts | Must jump into a water source (like a lake) or have a bottle with water to wash it off | Must be raining

- Poison Element; Haze of Disease [Dokuton; Enmu Yamai]
The user focuses into the rain and creates the handseals needed, the rain will become hazardous and gives burnmarks when hit. The rain gives an irritating cough to the enemy, the radius of rain affected depends on how much chakra the user puts in, the area is 5x5 meters and it goes up with 5 meters more chakra is put in | Chakra - 10(inc3) | Damage - 5 per post | Genin | Must be raining | Lasts 2 posts(inc3)


- Poison Element; Armor of Poison [Dokuton; Yoroi Egetsunai]
By focusing chakra into the pores of oneself the user can create a layer of poison around the user. The poison can be penetrated by anything, but when attacked by any taijutsu attack the foe will be damaged as this poison fetches itself on an enemies pores for awhile. This "armor" of poison also protects the user against any kind of poison rendering them immune against any other poison attack. The poison can be blowed away with wind jutsu but will reappear out of the users pores shortly after | Chakra - 15 per post | Damage - 10 for the enemy to hit the user and 5 per post after | Chuunin | Protects against any poison below the users rank | Must know Poison Protection | Poison damage lasts 3 posts

- Poison Element; Poison Clone [Dokuton; Egetsunai Bunshin]
Just like the Armor of Poison the user releases a poisonuss chakra out of his or hers pores, but this time the layer of poison fetches around the user as a template and then floats away from the user. This would become a perfect clone of the user, except it would be made out of gas. The clone is very easily destroyed and vaporizes into the air very quickly. If the enemy would hit the clone it would fetch to the foes pores but then vanish because of the wind blow | Chakra - 30 per clone | Damage - 15 if the enemy hit the clone and 5 per post after | Chuunin | Must know Armor of Poison | Is very weak against wind jutsu | Clone lasts 4 posts | Poison damage lasts 4 posts | Poison Clone has 4 in agility

- Poison Element; Rain of Decay [Dokuton; Gensui no Kouu]
After performing a few hand-seals, the user converts a large amount of his or her chakra into the poison element and seeds the clouds. The poison chakra is not capable of hurting people, but instead is transformes the rain into a powerful oxidizing agent. This rain slowly corrodes and rusts most metals, destroying it over time (four posts for most things). Unfortunately, the rain only effects metals that it comes into direct contact with. | Chakra- 50 | Chuunin | Must be raining | Effect starts next post and lasts for 5 posts.

- Poison Element; Rain of Corruption [Dokuton; Kutsuu Daraku]
As this rains starts the land and ground will start to corrupt the enemy, the ground will become as a swamp because of this poisoned rain. The cloths will strain themselves hard against the enemy, stangling him or her slowly. This rain leaves a stench to remember, everything that it comes in touch with it start to rot, except animals or humans. But other organisms such as plants, trees and water. But because this is such an instant change in nature the nature will turn back to normal after a while | Chakra - 20 | Damage - 30 | Chuunin | Must be raining | The swamp gives -1 agility to user and opponent | Rain lasts 3 posts | Swamp and rot effect disappears after 3 posts after the rain


- Poison Element; Poison Explosion Clone [Dokuton; Egetsunai Bukaretsu Bunshin]
By creating a clone exactly as the Poison Clone the user can utilize it to focus all poison into the middle of it, creating a liquid form which floats inside the Poison Clone. This liquid is extremely hazardous and can be blown up on will by the user, this liquid burns through clothes and leaves burn marks. As the clones vessel is only gas it will vaporize just as the normal Poison Clone will after some time, and if a wind jutsu is shot at it it will make the Clone explode automaticly, it will also explode if the enemy choose to attack the clone with taijutsu | Chakra - 50 | Damage - 50 explotion, 25 per post | Jounin | Must know Poison Clone | Poison damage lasts 2 posts | Clone lasts 3 posts | Only one clone at a time | Clone has 6 in Agility

- Poison Element; Rain of Pain [Dokuton; Kutsuu no Kouu]
A powerful ninjutsu that seeds the clouds with poison elemental chakra. The poison chakra infuses the rain, turning it into a weak acid. It affects any skin it comes into contact with by first burning it and turning red. Prolonged exposure to the rain may cause blisters or even bleeding. | Chakra- 70 | Damage - 20 (Every Turn) | Jounin | Must be raining | Effect takes place next post and lasts 7 posts

- Poison Element; Orb of Chaos [Dokuton; Kyuutai Konton]
The user focuses a point in the rain which becomes a deadly gas emitting poison to the rain drops around it, the rain drops start to rotate around the "orb" in a radius of 5 meters. As the rain becomes poisoned it starts to rotate closer and closer into the "orb". When the "orb" is filled with every poisoned rain drop it will explode shooting 2 disease spears in 4 directions. The "orb" can easily be destroyed by a wind jutsu | Chakra - 50 | Damage - 5 per post if hit by a rain drop, 10 for direct hit by a Disease Spear and 5 per post for every Disease Spear that hits | Jounin | Must be raining | Must know Rotating Rain and Disease Spear | Takes 2 posts to explode | Poison damage lasts 5 posts

- Poison Element; Rain of Chaos [Dokuton; Kouu Konton]
The user focuses into the rain and can transform a series of rain drops into Disease Spears, these can't pierce or anything but becomes hardened by the poison and on impact they deal damage and the water of the spear pours down on the enemy and fetches on him or her and deals poisons them | Chakra - 15 per spear | Damage - 15 per direct hit, 5 per post (even if hit by more than 1 spear) | Jounin | Must be raining | Poison damage lasts 5 posts | Must know Disease Spear

<Special Jounin>

- Poison Element; Acid Rain [Dokuton; Ensan no Kouu]
A powerful ninjutsu that laces the clouds with a large amount of poison elemental chakra to change the structure of the rain. The end result is a storm that does not rain water, but instead rains a powerful acid that can eat through most materials. Unfortunately, skin is not one of those materials. Instead of instantly eating through, it causes skin to instantly blister and slowly dissolve in a most painful way. This jutsu is, in fact, considered highly inhumane and dangerous and is thus forbidden from use in combat. | Chakra- 200 | Damage- 50 (Every Post) | Special Jounin Kinjutsu | Must be raining | Effect lasts 6 posts.

- Poison Element; Deadly Hands [Dokuton; Futame Te]
By opening the pores into the hands the user can create poison like knuckles, the knuckles would be completely out of gas but a very powerful aid. When the user hits someone with the knuckles the poison inhabits the entrance to the enemies pores, these are very easily washed off with water but until then the poison will be very painful | Chakra - 75 for each hand | Damage - Str+15 | Poison Damage - 5 per post (even if hit more than 1 time) | Special Jounin | Lasts 5 posts | Poison damage lasts 5 posts

- Poison Element; Acid Spit [Dokuton; Suitsuba]
Just like the Glue Leech the user chews on a substance and molds chakra into the substance making it poisonus, and also creating a small barrier in the mouth so that the poison won't effect the user. The main difference is that the user is making the substance in the mouth into a burning acid. The air the acid gives off can make the user cry because of the strength of it and also if the user does one step wrong he could end burning a hole in his mouth. When the preperations is finished the user can spit the acid against the enemy, the acid can burn holes in cloths and make the skin of the enemy boil if hit on bare skin | Chakra - 125 | Damage - 50 per spit | Special Jounin | Can spit 3 times | Must know Glue Leech | Takes one post to prepare the poison in the mouth

- Poison Element; Parasite Gas [Dokuton; Kisei Kitai]
The user opens the pores in the palms and can leave a gas cloud somewhere, to be used as a trap or to surround the enemy in close combat. The poison cloud created can be blown away with strong winds. The poison is inhabited by parasites, when breathed they will travel into the lungs of the opponent and create a unbarable coughing, a very painful one. But the parasites is coughed out very fast also | Chakra - 70 | Damage - 30 per post | Special Jounin | Must know Deadly Hands | Poison damage lasts 3 posts | The gas lasts 5 posts


- Poison Element; Rotten Poison Explosion Clone [Dokuton; Egetsunai Bukaretsu Bunshin]
By using the knowledge of the Poison Clone and the Poison Explotion Clone the user can create yet another clone. But this time focusing the rain into a small area and at the same time making a poison replica of the user move into the area where the focused rain is. When the poison replica enters the area the plants or ground below will enter into the gas clone and compress the gas into the middle. This creates a large amount of boiling poisoned liquid inside the clone, which stench is so vast that it smells outside the Clone, a rotten stench. The user can also make the clone explode on command creating a huge explosion | Chakra - 200 | Damage - 150 for explotion, 25 per post| S-rank Kinjutsu | Must know Poison Explosion Clone | Must be raining | Poison damage lasts 4 posts | Clone have 8 in agility | Only one clone at a time | Very vurnable to fire | Will explode if anything hits it

- Poison Element; Rain of Death [Dokuton; Shikyo no Kouu]
The most feared Kinjutsu in the history of any village, this is given credit for the Hidden Rain village’s current agricultural and economic problems in addition to the death of thousands. This jutsu converts a large amount of chakra into a vast poison mist that makes its way into the upper atmosphere. Once there, it forms a heavy cloud that soon begins raining a deadly poison. The poison itself can create boils and burns on whomever it touches, but the fumes from the poison are the true threat. Not only does it kill most plants almost instantly, but it also effects the human body, causing sickness and numbness. | Chakra- 100 (Per 2 Posts) | Damage- 75 (Every Post) | S-Rank Kinjutsu

-- Edited by Tenten at 13:52, 2006-12-26

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