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Post Info TOPIC: Character Creation

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Character Creation
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All character applications should be posted in the proper Character Sign Up Forum, located in each village's OOC forum, and should be put into the template format which is provided at the bottem of this post with a title that consists solely of your character's name. After an application is posted, the staff will look over the application, and if it is up to standard, it will be accepted. If it is not up to standard, the staff member will work with the applicant to improve their application until it is ready.

If you want your character to have a bloodline or to be a rank above the genin level, you must supply a sample RP.

Please keep all applications at least mildly within the spirit of naruto. This means no cyborg llamas, no guns, no battle tanks or giant robots. Generally this only take a small amount of common sense, but it needs to be said.

S-Rank and Sennin Level Characters

It is possible for advanced RPers to gain S-rank characters. Sennin ranks do not exist, so do not ever ask for one. If you wish to have an S-Rank, please apply in the Special Permissions Forum.

Number of Characters

Each roleplayer can have up to four characters. Beyond the standard, roleplayers can also get additional characters, but only if they are considered active and worthy (based on post quality and activity) enough to handle more characters. Presumably you can have as many characters as you want, but only if you can handle them all, and if you can't, the staff will certainly notice and speak with you about it.

A person is only allowed to have 1 character up for acceptence at a time.

You must wait two weeks after each character to apply for another one.

Cannon Characters

Yes, Cannon Characters are allowed on this board. These characters are already taken: Hyuuga Hinata, Hyuuga Neji, Mitarashi Anko, Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi, Haruno Sakura, Sabaku Temari, Tsuchi Kin, Tayuya, Ten-ten, Inuzuka Kiba and Akamaru, Sabaku Gaara.

Starting Stats and Jutsu

At creation, each character starts with certain number of jutsu and "stat points" based on rank. Stat points may be used to increase any stat by 1. Also note that each stat has a default 1 in the beggining, not 0! Each character also starts with a certain amount of "base HP" and "base Chakra" which is the amount of HP and Chakra one has before being modified by endurance or intelligence.

Genin receive 85 base Health and 85 base Chakra. They receive 5 stat points to spend at character creation and they get 3 Academy Jutsu and 4 Other Jutsu.

- Chuunin
Chuunin receive 135 base Health and 185 base Chakra. They receive 10 stat points to spend at character creation and they get 3 Academy Jutsu and 10 Other Jutsu.

- Jounin
Jounin receive 185 base Health and 285 base Chakra. They receive 20 stat points to spend at character creation and they get 4 Academy Jutsu and 15 Other Jutsu.

- Special Jounin receive 235 base Health and 335 base Chakra. They receive 25 stat points to spend at character creation and they get 5 Academy Jutsu and 18 Other Jutsu. Members of elite organizations (such as ANBU) are generally at this level as well.

- S-Rank receives 335 base Health and 435 base Chakra. They receive 30 stat points to spend at character creation and they get 6 Academy Jutsu and 25 Other Jutsu.

Note that jutsu styles (those jutsu that are split up into stages) count as two jutsu each unless specifically said otherwise. Also, you can not have jutsu with the word "advanced" in their rank if you are that rank (so genin can't have advanced genin techs, for instence)

If we deem an application particularly worthy or above average in quality, we may grant the applicant one or two bonus jutsu. These bonus jutsu may even have the word "advanced" in their rank and be of your rank, so a genin who gets these bonus jutsu could get advanced genin jutsu, for instence.

Ninja Pets

Several ninja employ pets in battle. These "pets" are animals trained to fight and occasionally use jutsu. Pets are basically NPC characters under your control that usually work with your character.

Pets are not free, however. You must give up two jutsu just to have a pet. Pets, at the start, have 85 HP and Chakra, and they also have 1 in each stat. For every two additional jutsu you give up, your pet can gain five more stat points, distributed as you see fit.

Pets may not learn jutsu. If a pet can perform a jutsu, it is hinted in the jutsu description but it is still placed on the user's jutsu list.

Pets gain one stat point every time their owner gains one.

You may not have mythical creatures or supersized versions of existing creatures as pets. That isn't to say we don't allow big animals, but 10 feet tall housecats and 3 foot long bugs won't be allowed.

Fill out and place the following template at the bottem of your character sheet if you want a pet:






Each catagory means the same thing it does for pets as it does for normal characters. Length can be ommited from things that aren't longer then they are tall while standing. Dogs, horses and cats are examples of things that require length.

Advancing your Character

During your stay at Kamigani, your character will most likely gain both increased stats and jutsu. Both stats and jutsus are gained using the same manner; RPing. At the end of any training, battle, or mission thread you may request that a staff member look it over and grade it here.

If the staff members find the thread in question to be of sufficient length and quality, you may be allowed to gain a stat point or a new jutsu.

Although this is the most common way, you don't necessarily have to receive stat points in training, mission, or battle threads. Points may be awarded at the staff member's discresion.

A staff member may also comment on your RPing quality or even give you hints to improve. You may take any such advice as though it where from another member. Everyone has their own style and just because someone (even a staff member) doesn't agree, you don't necessarily have to listen.

A person can only learn one stat point or jutsu in a solo training thread per month. In order to promote more interation amongst RPers, there must be at least two people in a thread for anyone to learn a jutsu in any additional threads beyond one per month.The other "person" may be an NPC, but it must be controlled by someone other then the person wishing to learn a jutsu or gain a stat point. Every participent in a thread could have the potential to learn a jutsu or gain a stat point.

The Rule of Natural Progression

The following is arguably the most complex rule on KG, but unfortunately it needs to be done to help curb the power of higher leveled characters. Luckilly, genin will never run into a situation in which this rule will apply, so until you decide to make a character above the genin rank or advance your own genin, you can move on to the next section.

"In order for any character to learn a jutsu, he or she must have at least two jutsu of a lower rank within the theme of the jutsu that the character wants to learn. Genin level jutsu are exempt from this rule because they are the basic and lowerest leveled jutsu for any theme."

This basically means that to learn any chuunin level jutsu, you must have at least two genin level jutsu that follow the same theme. To learn any Jounin level jutsu, you must have two Chuunin level jutsu that follow the same theme, so forth and so on. You do not have to have 2 genin level jutsu per chuunin level jutsu though, once you get 2 genin level jutsu you can have as many chuunin level jutsu as you want. The same applies from chuunin to jounin, etc.

Next is the definition of the word "theme." Some basic themes include fire jutsu, water jutsu or lightning jutsu. Basically, it's a group of jutsu that have something in common. For your convenience, all jutsu in the universal lists are split up into themes allready. Other themes are possible, and you can add jutsu onto any theme that makes sense for it to be there.

The Template

Have you read and internalized each and every one of the rules? If so, you may apply for a character using the following template. Remember, you may add information and even change the template, but all information that is asked for must be given.

Also, the title of your application can only contain the name of your character, nothing else.

Please omit everything in italics as they are just there to help you.

Contact Info: Email, Instant Messaging, et cetra. This part is not necessary.

< Character Info >

Name: Last then first, please
Age: Please, no unknown ages
Gender: Male, female, or neuter
Height: How tall are ya?
Weight: In pounds, kilograms if absolutely necessary
Eyes: Color, et cetra
Hair: Color, is it long or short, ect. If your bald say so
Appearance: Please be descriptive. Name some things such as build, complexion, and anything else you can think of. A description of the type of clothing is also advised. Please not that I said TYPE of clothing, people don't always wear the same cloths (unless yours does, in which case say so).

Personality: Quite possible THE most important part of your bio. Describe your character's habits, quirks, general view on things, anything you can think of. The more detailed, the better.

History: At least a decent paragraph, and no cheap cop-outs like "no one knows."

< Combat Info >

Class: Genin, Chuunin, Jounin
Village: From the list, please no dead/original villages unless you clear it with a staff member before hand
Main Fighting Type: Describe what he/she uses the most. Be as descriptive as you want, really. things like "genjutsu" are excepted, however

Main weapon(s): What weapons your character uses most of the time/is known for. Of course he/she would have other standard stuff like kunai

Strengths: What is your chara good at, what does he/she excel in?

Weaknesses: What is your chara bad at? What are some flaws, ect. Please, nothing idiotic like the ever-so commonly used "doesn't make friends easily."

Techniques: Please describe what ALL of them do, even if you assume we know. Its advised that you copy paste directly from the jutsu lists

Advanced Bloodline: Only if it applies

Advance Bloodline Techniques: Only if it applies

Stats: This is an important decision that determines your character's abilities and limits. See here for more information on what stats are.

(remove the +15 once they have been added to your base, note that the first point does count towards your total. I.E. my Intel is at 10, I get 150 points to chakra.)

HP: +15
Chakra: +15

Strength: 1
Agility: 1
Intelligence: 1
Endurance: 1
Accuracy: 1

That first point to intel and endurance does count to HP and Chakra and isn't already part of the Base!

Sample RP: Only needed if you want an advanced bloodline and/or a rank higher then genin. Once you make a sample RP for a character, you needn't make sample RPs for any characters of that rank or lower any more (for instence if you make a jounin, your next jounin doesn't need a sample RP).


Contact Info:

< Character Info >




< Combat Info >



Main Fighting Type:

Main weapon(s):




Advanced Bloodline:

Advance Bloodline Techniques:


(remove the +15 once they have been added to your base, note that the first point does count towards your total. I.E. my Intel is at 10, I get 150 points to chakra.)

HP: +15
Chakra: +15

Strength: 1
Agility: 1
Intelligence: 1
Endurance: 1
Accuracy: 1

Sample RP:

-- Edited by Tenten at 21:00, 2006-08-29

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